The trio visit the manor

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Edited/Rewritten June 9th 2019

I noticed Harry staring at something but I chose to ignore it, assuming it was Ginny. He stood up and walked forwards slightly, all of a sudden a bright light stopped itself in the centre of the tent.
"The ministry has fall. The minister is dead. They are coming. They are coming." It spoke. I sighed and slouched into my chair, panic filling the room. Screaming began as deatheaters entered and the tent caught fire. I sat at a table, my head in my hands while my elbows rested on the table. Spells and curses flew around the area as more of the dark lords servants arrived. Molly was looking around, frantically looking for someone or something. People were forced to leave as the trio teleported somewhere. I growled, standing up and storming over to the nearest deatheater. They looked to me and stopped casting spells. I clenched my fists and punched him square in the jaw, causing him to hit the floor. I shook the pain from my hand and wandered off to find any familiar deatheaters. As I wandered around I changed my mind and teleported around.

Through out the course of a month I stayed in my room at Malfoy manor, never leaving it, not for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It was rather quiet, apart from the occasional meetings with the dark lord. I sat on my bed staring out of the window, Sirius sleeping on his cat tree. I heard a knock on my door but stayed silent. I slid off the bed and grabbed my wand from my bedside table. I sat myself back down in the same place and began playing around with spells you didn't have to recite.
"Avis..." I whispered, a flock of small birds appearing and fluttering around the room. Upon realising my door was unlocked I said another charm.
"Colloportus!" I heard a groan of annoyance come from the other side.
"We have guests! Come down stairs." The voice spoke, it was stern and superior. I gave no reply as his footsteps echoed back down the hallway. A sweeter feminine voice spoke.
"Sweetie, it's been almost a week. Can I at least come in?" I sighed and muttered.
"Alohamora." The door handle turned with a squeak and the door opened, hearing footsteps the door closed once again.
"Colloportus." She spoke, the lock on the door turning. The bed dipped next to me and I remained staring out of the window.
"You've been in here a while." I scoffed and nodded.
"The wedding..." She looked confused.
"What wedding?" I turned to her and replied.
"Bill Weasleys..." she nodded.
"Oh yes, that wedding. Deatheaters took care of that!" She smiled. I stood up and went over to Sirius and began petting him.
"You take pride in that?" She let out a confused laughed and turned to face me.
"Of course, we're death eaters." I rolled my eyes.
"You ruined a wedding. Almost killed a family. Almost killed my friends. You could have killed me." My voice began annoyed but slowly grew softer.
"We weren't aware you were there..." I laughed.
"And now they've been sent to attack the lovegood home? What is up with you and hurting my friends?" I picked up Sirius and sat on the floor with him in my arms, a single tear sliding down my cheek and landing on the black fur of my cat.
"For all I know, you've got snatchers after Harry, Ron and Hermione..." she stayed silent and stood up, walking to my door. She unlocked it and stepped out.
"Draco!" She demanded, and within seconds he was there, he looked behind her and saw my door wide open, me now standing by my window Sirius on my head as a midnight ferret.
"Yes?" He asked, looking back to me.
"I take it our guests have left?" Draco nodded and I turned around with wide eyes. I instructed my furry companion to turn into a wolf. He jumped off my head and did so. I sprinted out of my room and down the stairs, Narcissa and Draco following behind.

Bellatrix stood behind a dark haired male, holding his head back by his hair and a wand pointing to his throat.
"Well?" She spoke to Draco, who was now in front of her. I looked behind him and saw Ron and Hermione being held by 'Snatchers'.
"I can't be sure." He replied his father gripping the back of his neck.
"Draco, if we were the ones to hand potter over to the dark lord, everything will all be as it was." I sat on the stairs, halfway up and watched as the head of the Malfoy family persuaded his son, Sirius next to me. He let a low growl and I stroked the fur on his head back.
"Quiet." I ordered and with a small whimper he did. I listened closely, while Bellatrix pulled the blonde towards her. She walked towards the two other Gryffindors, passing them she spotted a sword. The sword of Godric Gryffindor....
"What is that? Where did you get it?" She spoke quickly expecting an answer just as fast.
"It was in her bag, reckon it's mine now." Before anyone could do anything I muttered a few charms and the sword came to me.
"Expeliarmus.....Accio Sword." Everyone's eyes followed the object as it swiftly came to me, not catching it, Sirius jumped and bit down on the handle catching it.
"It's no-ones but Harry Potters." I state, making it disappear. Bella grabbed Ron and yelled.
"Put the boys in the cellar!" Narcissa guided the two boys, forcefully towards a set of stairs that led down. Hissing at Hermione for a girl on girl chat Bella pulled her to the floor.

I could hear Hermione screaming and tears began slipping down my cheeks.
"Make her stop." I whispered, hearing more screams I shouted over them.
"Make her stop hurting her!!" All heads snapped towards my crying figure, a black dog next to me.
Ron and Harry ran up from the stairs and began throwing spells at Draco and his mother. I quickly scanned over the room and saw everyone occupied, running down the stairs to get to Hermione. Seeing 'mudblood' engraved into her arm, I turned her head to face me.
"We're friends hermit, I won't hurt you." I whispered, wiping away her tears as she lay sprawled out on the floor. I was pushed back and Bellatrix pulled Hermione up and held something to her neck.
"Drop your wands." She demanded, I sat on the floor staring up at them. The two boys dropped their wands as she instructed Draco to do something. He picked up their wands as we head squeaking from above. I looked up and scrambled backwards, noticing an adorable house elf unscrewing the chandelier.
"Dobby....?" I asked, from hearing a few stories about the adventurous being from the trio. He apparated away as everyone scattered away from the fallen lighting. Harry grabbed his and Rons wands from the bleach haired son as his father was stupefied. The three of them stood with Dobby.
"You could've killed me!" Bellatrix screamed, walking across the shattered glass.
"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure. Narcissa was about to charm them or maybe even hex them, but Dobby took the wand.
"How dare you take a witches wand!" The curly black haired woman shouted. I remained on the floor pulling any glass shards from my arms and legs, blood spilling each time I did.
"How dare you defy your masters!" She added, Dobby seemed slightly offended.
"Dobby is a free elf!" I shout, drawing attention.
"He has no master!" They all linked hands as Dobby apparated, Bellatrix three the dagger she previously held to Hermione's neck, aiming at the elf and his friends. Finally pulling all of the shards out I stood up, my wand gripped in my hand, my knuckles turning white.
"Sectum sempra!" I shout, aiming my wand at Bellatrix, she blocked it and I continued firing the same spell over and over again until another came to mind. She was about to shout a charm or hex but I beat her to it.
"Steleus!" She began sneezing as I chanted the next charm/hex/curse/spell.
"Ventus!" A strong gust of wind shot from my wand towards my target and hit her perfectly, she hit a wall and I pinned her against it, my wand pointing at her throat.
"If even one of my friends is dead, I will kill you!" I hissed through clenched teeth, she nodded and I was pulled back by a pair of hands. She giggled before running off somewhere, shouting something.
"Bet it'd be a different story if I threw a knife at Draco." I struggled in the grip of whoever was holding me and screamed at her, while doing so I saw who was keeping me back, Draco.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!! GET YOUR SCARED ASS BACK HERE!!" I was pulled back by the same person but instead I was pulled into him. I began crying into his chest and sank to the floor.

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