The shreiking shack and a worthy punch

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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

Yet again, we all followed Filch towards Hogsmede, again I stuck with my favourite four people. Pansy separated from me and the boys because she didn't want to go to the shrieking shack. We trudged through the woods when we came across Hermione and Ron. I waved to them and they returned it.
"Well, well. Look who's here. You two shopping for your new home?" Draco's snarky remark set me on edge as we continued walking forwards, stopping as we reached the two of them.
"Bit grand for you isn't it? Weasel bee?" He paused and looked at Ron.
"Don't your family sleep in room?"
"Shut up Malfoy." Ron sighed, clearly giving up.
"Ooh, not very friendly." Draco replied.
"Boys, I think it's about time we show weasel bee to respect his superiors." He suggested. Wow, I feel ignored. Hermione laughed before joining the conversation.
"I hope you don't mean yourselves." "How dare you talk to me, filthy little mudblood!" He hissed with a scowl.
I sighed and elbowed his rib.
"Draco!" I warned, just as a snowball was thrown at him. I smiled as he turned away from me and to the direction it came from.
"Who's there?!" He shouted out, I had an amused expression playing across my features. The three boys began getting pelted with snowballs, stepping backwards.
"Don't stand there do something!" Draco demanded to Crabbe, I giggled and watched the scene play out. He had been dragged towards the shack the dropped. He ran up the hill as I continued laughing.
"I better follow them, Have fun you two! You too, Harry." I waved good bye as I followed the three Slytherins through the snow. They waved goodbye and continued laughing.

Still laughing, I followed the running boys and shouted to them.
"You ridiculous boys!" They stopped running and turned to face my smiling figure. The bleach haired boy came up to me and pushed me to the floor. I continued to smile as he towered over me.
"You gonna hit a girl, pretty boy?" I taunted him as he contemplated whether to actually do it or not. I smirked as he held out his hand and helped me up.
"Tut tut Malfoy, you shouldn't even think about hitting a girl." I laughed as he rolled his eyes.
"Keep rolling your eyes, you may find your brain, sweetie."
"Oh shut it. I have more brains than you!" I laughed at his statement and continued walking.
"Prove it, Dracy! Tell me what does 'Expecto Patronum' mean?" He groaned as I used the nickname Pansy gave him. He and his two goons followed behind me as he replied.
"It's Latin for 'I await a guardian'." I smiled and turned around, giving a small approving nod. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up the hills and through the forest.
"You guys are so slow at walking." I whined.
The snow had melted and all was now clear. We strolled around the school, due to hearing about Buckbeaks execution, Draco wanted to be near enough when it happened. We passed the Executioner as he sharpened his blade and continued towards Hagrid's home. We crossed the wooden bridge and walked through the small stone corridor before reaching an area of grass and large stones. The boys hid behind a stone while I stood beside them, in the open.
"I really don't get the point in hiding. They won't be able to tell that we are looking down there if we just hang around up here." They gave me and obvious look.
"Exactly!" They stated in perfect unison to each other. I sighed and leant my back against the closest stone. As the boys talked I heard voices behind me, I turned to see Ron, Harry and Hermione. The female of their group sped down the steps towards us, Harry and Ron not far behind. The three Slytherins turned around and Draco spoke, despite my protests.
"Draco, don't!"
"Look who's here." One of the two other boys spoke.
"Ah! You've come to see the show!" He greeted cheerfully.
"You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach." She yelled, pointing her wand to the purebloods throat.
"Hermione!" I shouted to her.
"Hermione! No! He's not worth it." Ron persuaded her to lower her wand, which she did. She turned to walk away but as soon as the three boys started laughing she turned back around and punched Draco straight in the face.
"Ooh!" I cringed at the impact she caused and watched as the two Slytherins helped him up, the three of them ran up the hill towards the entrance as I backed up it, slightly scared of my muggle born friend. We scurried most of the way back across the bridge towards the school.
I managed to get Draco to stand still and sent the other two off on their way. We stood under the sheltered bridge as I twisted his head to face left and right, inspecting the damage Hermione caused.
"Face me and stay still." I ordered, he did so and I pointed my wand towards his nose, which seemed broken.
"Episkey!" He groaned as his nose clicked back into place. I giggled as he leant on the railing to regain his composure.
"Feeling better?" I asked with a smile.
"Yeah, thanks for that." I nodded and put my wand away, grabbing his hand and pulling him back to the school.
"Come on, we've got to get back to the school. It'll be getting dark soon." He agreed and let me pull him back to the school.
The womping willow had regained its leaves while Remus Lupin resigned due to him being a werewolf and him assuming parents wouldn't want him teaching their children. Most of the third year Gryffindors and myself were surrounding a gift Harry had received. I stood behind the twins as Ron blamed them for making him open it.
"Who's it from?" Harry asked.
"We don't know, but this came with it." Hermione spoke as I held up a Hippogriff feather. Harry understood and took the broomstick (the firebolt) outside into the courtyard. He climbed onto it and kicked off, shouting into the sky. It was the worlds fastest broom after all. Cheers surrounded me as I cheered in pure glee for Harry.

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