Expecto Patronum

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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

We watched as the first years got sorted into their decided houses and ate. Pleasant conversations were shared but mainly questions directed to me and we all welcomed the first years into the house.
Soon after we had eaten, the prefects guided us through the corridors of the castle towards the common and dorm rooms of Slytherin.
"Okay everyone, head to your rooms. You'll find your stuff is already there." We all nodded or sighed, and headed towards our rooms.

~The next day~
I decided I'd go and teach myself how to create a patronus during any free time before our DADA class, which happened to be now. I bid farewell to my friends and wandered down to the black lake. I stood amongst the trees and pulled out my wand. Taking a deep breath I chanted the Latin.
"Expecto Patronum..." a small pale blue light danced around me, almost forming a creature. I sighed and tried again.
"Expecto Patronum!" I said as another pale blue light floated around me in the air. I smiled at it slowly forming a creature, but failing. I took a deep breath and continued practicing for the next 15 minutes.

Now exhausted, I sat down by the waters edge and stared at my wand. Hearing the snap of a twig behind me I turned around to see Harry.
"Hello Harry." I greeted, returning my gaze back to my wand. He replied to my greeting, the same.
"Hey." I smiled as I thought of something.
"Would you like to see a spell I'm learning?" Curious as to what spell I was on about, he nodded. I smiled and remained seated, raising my wand and pointing toward the lake, I changed the same words.
"Expecto Patronum!" This time the blue light elegantly glided along the water and around through the air. Only I had perfected the spell, the blue beam created a creature. A mythical one at that. It was an Occamy. I smiled and watched as my Patronus swam through the area surrounding me.
"A Patronus?" He asked, I continued smiling and nodded.
"It's beautiful." I stated in a daze, just before remembering what class I had next.
"Oh shit! I have to get back I have class in 10 minutes!" Harry chuckled and we shared goodbyes as I ran back to the main school. I slowed my run to a walk as I entered the building, almost running into professor Snape.
"Sorry sir." I apologised as he sighed and asked why I was late for class. I gave a nervous laugh before replying.
"I was down at the lake practicing a spell." His eyes showed he had now become intrigued.
"And what spell may that be, Miss Rivergold?" His voices trailed out almost every word. Again I awkwardly laughed, but replied.
"The Patronus charm, Sir." He chuckled and then nodded, dismissing me to my class. I nodded and continued on my merry way.

I entered the Slytherin/Gryffindor class to see a paper bird alight and Dolores Umbridge walking down the aisle in the middle of the room. I carefully and quietly made my way into the room and froze when she spoke a little too sweetly, if you ask me.
"Miss Rivergold, care to share why you're late?" I became awakened and rolled my sleeves up.
"I was down at the black lake...?" I replied hoping that to be the end of it.
"And Why was that?" She asked in an even sweeter tone. I gave an awkward smile before sighing and relaxing.
"I was trying to create a Patronus, Professor." I heard a few students around me chuckle.
"And did it work?" I nodded and she smirked.
"In that case, let's see it. This is defence against the dark arts, after all." I nodded and pulled out my wand, I took a deep breath and again recited the Latin.
"Expecto Patronum!" The Same blue light appeared and danced around the room as it formed the same Occamy. Students and our professor stared at it in awe.
"An Occamy? A rather rare Patronus. Well done Miss Rivergold." I nodded and took the nearest free seat, which happened to be next to Draco, it appeared Pansy had changed seats.

The lesson finally ended and we all scurried out. I walked along with Ron and Hermione because Harry had detention with the bright pink hag. Upon passing their common room, I separated from the two and headed to my own.

Entering the room I noticed how empty it was yet how loud it was too. I looked to the middle of the room and saw two all too familiar figures, Draco and Pansy. I looked to the table behind them and spotted Crabbe and Goyle slouching in the chairs. Just by their tone of voices I could tell the male and female were in a heated argument. I watched as Pansy striked the Malfoy across the face and stormed off towards our room. Draco's eyes landed on me, pleading in a way, as I stared at him. Silently and quickly, I followed after my roommate.
"Pansy!" I called out, I heard sniffling further down the stairs and opened our bedroom door. She sat at the window seat, staring out of it, legs pulled into her chest with the side of her head resting on her knees. Cautiously I walked up to her.
"Pansy? Are you okay? I saw what happened back in the common room. Want to talk about it?" I asked in a hushed kind tone. She turned to face me, tears staining her cheeks as she gave a small smile and nodded.
"So you know how I've liked him for awhile?" She began, I nodded my head with a sympathetic smile.
"He doesn't like you, does he?" I asked worriedly. More tears streamed from her eyes as she shook her head. I pulled her into a hug and calmed her down. After awhile we started joking around and talking about random things, while walking up to the common room. We sat on the couches, giggling in fits as we remembered our DADA class earlier that day. We were changed out of our uniform and into some normal clothes. Pansy had changed into a pair of blue jeans and a crop top. Where as I was wearing a pair of black tights with white ripped shorts over the top and a dark green tank top. We heard talking coming from the boys side of the dorms but chose to ignore it.
"Why? She's friends with the Mudblood. If anything she's more like a mudblood than a pure blood witch." Pansy gave me an empathetic look and gripped my hands softly in hers. I returned her smile and turned to face the source of the voice. Both his eyes and the quidditch captains eyes landed on us. Letting go of Pansy's hands and stood up,
"I'll see you later Pans." I nodded to the bleach haired boy, who I had grown to know as a friend, and headed back to my room.

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