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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

McGonagall was shouting towards the first years and giving them directions as to what is where, Harry and Ron watching in amusement from standing on a ledge.

I stood in Professor Slughorns class beside Draco and Pansy, while we were given a demonstration. Before the lesson could continue Harry and Ron walked in, Ron being awkward denied that he should be here, while Harry went to get two potions books from the cabinet. Me being me, I wasn't paying attention and noticed Hermione raise her hand.
"That one there is veritaserum. It's a truth telling serum." She stated, pointing to the thing(?) in question.
"That one-" I couldn't hear anymore due to zoning out and watching the two late comers fight over a book. I stifled a giggled and tried to pay more attention.
"It's the most powerful love potion in the world." She paused glancing at our potions master.
"It's rumoured to have a different smell depending on what each person is attracted to. For example I smell freshly mown grass and parchment, spearmint and....toothpaste..." she trailed off as the girls in the class, slowly began inching their way towards the wafts of pink smoke rising from the small cauldron. Professor Slughorn covered the brewing potion and stopped the girls from going any closer.
"They seem desperate to get ahold of it." I murmured, hearing a chuckle from beside me.
"Felix felicis." Our teacher spoke.
"Liquid luck..." Hermione blurted.

"We have to brew living death? Well this ought to be fun." A sadistic smile crossing my features. Throughout the lesson I stared blankly at my book, doing nothing but reading the notations made. My mother was exceptional at potions during her time at Hogwarts, I remember her mentioning, once, that her potions partner was Severus Snape. I snapped out of my daze when a voice spoke, causing me to jump.
"You might want to begin Miss Rivergold." It was the Professor, I nervously laughed and nodded. My eyes scanned over the page and I followed the first instruction.
Cut—crush with blade
Allowing a confused expression, I did as the notations said and used the side of the blade to crush the ingredient, then placing the crushed thing into the cauldron.
I continued following the notations and not the instructions. My potion was going rather well as I glance around the room. Students had either had it blow up in their faces, it melt their utensils or absolutely nothing happened.

"Merlins beard. This is perfect!" Slughorn announced as he dropped a leaf into, both, mine and Harry's cauldrons. I nudged Harry to take the liquid luck and keep it, he gave me an unsure look and I nudged him again, wandering back over to my friends. Slytherin stood salty as Harry accepted it. Draco was about to argue, when I elbowed his rib.
"Play nice, Dracy." I hissed, using Pansy's old nickname for him. He growled and held the ribs I hit. I smirked as class was dismissed.

We headed to the common room, seeing as we had a free period. Draco sat on an empty couch opposite one already occupied by Blaise and Pansy. I sighed and dramatically threw myself onto the same couch as Draco, my legs resting on his as I lay horizontally on the cushioned surface. We talked throughout the rest of the day, ignoring any lessons we had and just decided to bond with each other.
"Hey Pansy! I want to show you something." I swung my legs off Draco and stood up, I walked over to Pansy and told her to follow me, she stood up and did so. I lead her over to the large window at the back of the room and told her to look outside, as she sat on the window seat.
"What do you see?" I asked, she shrugged and faces me.
"The black lake?" She replied I giggled and told her to look deeper into the lake.
"Do you see the city?" Her eyes widen and she nods.
"That's where the 'treasures' for the
Triwizard tournament were kept during the lake round." I smiled. She looked back to the window and saw something swim passed it. She pushed herself back a bit out of shock before I explained.
"Mermaid. They live in that city." It swam passed again but this time, stopped in front of the window and waved to me. I returned the wave and smiled. Knowing they knew sign language, I asked how she was. Replying, she said
'it's all good in the lake and no gossip has occurred in the common room yet.' I sighed and waved her goodbye.
"What was that about?" A masculine voice spoke behind me. I fell backward off the seat but was caught. I awkwardly laugh as I was set on the ground, sat in someone's lap as they sat cross legged with their arms around my waist and head resting on my shoulder. I turned to see bleach blonde hair and knew it was Draco, we were now facing Pansy who had a certain dark haired boy next to her on the window seat.
"Thanks." He rolled his eyes and asked again.
"What were you doing?" Again, awkwardly laughing I replied.
"Talking to mermaids with Pansy." He chuckled and I continued.
"You are such a big softie around me. The Malfoys sure are strange."

That night, Draco and myself, wandered through the school towards a room with a small bird cage containing a black and a white bird, surrounded by an even larger cage. Passing it, we continued on our way to an intricately decorated oak door. Opening it, we found a room full of antiques and junk. Stepping through the door, I turned in a circle as I walked, taking in the sight of all the shit surrounding me. This place is huge and full of dark coloured depressing shite. In his hand, the almost white haired boy, tossed an apple up and down, strolling towards a tall covered object. Glancing around the room, I yanked the sheet off to reveal another cabinet. Just like the one in 'Borgin & Burkes'.
Getting a quick glimpse at each other we nodded, me, pulling open the cabinets door......

The next morning turned out to be a Saturday, Gryffindors we're trying out for the quidditch team. Hermione and I thought we'd go cheer Ron on, so we met up in the courtyard and head straight there. Sadly it was cold and most likely going to rain. The fact I was wearing a light grey cropped sweater and a green checkered skirt, didn't help with keeping warm.

Arriving at the pitch, we took a seat on a beam sort of bench and I watched in amusement as Harry tried to calm the students trying out. Stood next to him, Ginny grew agitated and yelled at them to stop and be quiet. Harry explained that they wouldn't be guaranteed a spot on the time like last year but wished them his best. Ron looked to us and we gave a small wave as he spoke to another guy. Slightly curly blondish hair, hazel or brown eyes and defiantly taller than him. I laughed as said male looked at us (Hermione) and smirked. I fell onto the seating in front of us from laughing so hard. The muggle born witch behind me laughed and helped me back up next to her. Thanking her I sat back down.
"That guy with Ron....he's so checking you out!" I teased, she blushed and denied it.
"I doubt that, if anything he's looking at you." She returned, poking my cheek. I puffed them out and she laughed.
Ron took position as keeper and prepared to play. Ginny knocked two guys off of their brooms and almost got the ball into the hoop but it was blocked by Hermione's admirer.

Every ball thrown at Ron, he managed to block but after a certain amount, he slipped off his broom I gasped but giggled slightly, spotting a girl slightly off from where Luna lovegood sat, in front of us. She seemed to be on the edge of her seat in anticipation and hope that our ginger friend would get back up. I tapped Mionie's shoulder and pointed to the girl, we laughed and turned our attention back to Ron.
"Come on Ron!!" I shouted with Granger. He managed to Slither(in) his way back onto his broom and concentrate. We stared at him and watched as he prepared for any ball that may come his way.
I heard Hermione whisper a spell behind her hand, which caused the flirtatious boy from before to zoom to his left slightly. I giggled and patted her back as a Well done. She smiled and we looked back to Ronald. Ron blocked another ball, causing us to all clap and cheer. The girl near Luna jumped slightly with a squeal.
"Brilliant!" She said, clapping.

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