The cups a port key?

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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

We're onto the final task, a maze. It didn't seem that bad just get brought a maze and find the TriWizard cup. No big deal.

The schools cheered as the five of us entered the area. Cedric first, just after his father, followed by Fleur and myself. Then Krum and finally Harry. We all wore comfortable clothes that we could easily run in, more specifically our schools sports clothes. I wore a half green half black long sleeved shirt with ripped grey skinny jeans. Each student had an adult representative with them. Cedrics father, Krums headmaster, Dumbledore, Fleurs headmistress and I was lucky enough to have my mother stood beside me. She had flown from America just to come and see the final task.
"Now, I know you didn't put your name in. But for heavens sake, don't die." I smiled and nodded to my mother. She looked to my cousin and gave the same look she gave me while speaking to me. Dumbledore explained the order we'd go into the maze. Cedric and me, Harry, Krum and Fleur. If we wanted out, all we had to do was send up red sparks.
"Contestants, gather round! Quickly!" The Hogwarts professor instructed. We stood in a circle beside him as he encouraged us.
"You'll find now dragons or creatures of the deep, but what you will see is people change. People change in the maze. But be very weary, you could just lose your souls along the way." He spoke in a hushed tone and we were sent back to our entrances. I stood beside my mother as she hugged me, awaiting the canon.
"Let's just hope no one gets hurt." I smiled and nodded, she kissed my forehead and the canon was heard. I looked to Cedric and we nodded to each other, sprinting off into the maze. All I could see was mist and green leaves as the entrance sealed itself. I ran forwards and after around 20 metres I turned left and took the next right. I heard heavy panicked breathing near me as well as fast footsteps. They sounded rather...feminine.
"Fleur?!" I called out hoping for her to reply, I followed the noises and met with her at a cross road sort of area.
"Fleur?" Her head snapped to my direction and she weakly smiled, walking up to me. Something came up from behind her the noise causing her to turn around and scream.

I stayed with her as she lay on the floor as if in a daze, Krum suddenly appearing and examining her. Roots and vines from the bushes/trees began to wrap around her body and pull her under. I saw Harry come around the corner as I dug at the vines.
"Fleur! Fleur!" I said over and over again. Harry came over and looked at the situation, he held his wand to the sky and shouted,
"Periculem!" causing a red flare into the sky.
"Thanks Harry." I looked up to him and a strong wind came towards us. I stood up and started sprinting, pulling him with me. The walls began closing together in an attempt to trap us between them but we kept running. Narrowly dodging it we turned left and fell onto the floor. I released Harry and scrambled up, we turned around and saw the cup, the pathway leading to it closing up. As we reached a cross path, we head Krums voice and then Cedrics.
"Get down! Get down!" The Hufflepuff told us, we did as instructed just as a shot of light went straight past us, almost grazing my cheek. I inhaled a sharp breath and scrambled backwards.
"Expeliarmus!" Cedric changed, the spell hit Krum and he was down. The yellow housed teenager ran passed us and kicked the older males wand away.

The three of us continued running, pulling at each others shirts to get in front of the other and pushing each other into the hedges. Upon seeing the cup yet again I caught a glimpse of the two boys looking at each other as I shot past them. The same roots and vines sprouted from the ground as we ran, trying to get a grab at our ankles or legs, branches also swinging at us. We ducked, jumped and dodged although I tripped multiple times, but picked myself up straight away. Harry and I kept running, not noticing the lack of Cedric.
"Ah!" He groaned, I skidded to a stop and turned around. Vines were wrapped around his legs and dragging him backwards as he clawed at the ground. I watched as Harry looked between the cup and my cousin. Mum said not to let any die, and I'm not about to let my cousin lose this.
I ran back to Cedrics shouting, struggling body and knelt next to him, pointing my wand at the plants.
"Reducto!" A bright light was shot at the plant as it withered backwards. I tugged them off of him and Harry ran over to help. We stood up and Cedric spoke, out of breath.
"You know for a moment I thought you were gonna leave me there." Harry and I thought until he spoke.
"So did I." I looked forwards, in the opposite direction of the cup, and saw the hedges coming together again. Taking a few steps back, I tugged at both of the shirts, pulling them slightly with me. We reached the opening around the cup.
"Go on! You saved me, take it!" Cedric insisted to us.
"And if Harry hasn't helped with Fleur I'd be gone right now!" We looked at each other and then to harry.
"Harry take it!" We shouted, he shook his head, quickly replying.
"Together. 1...2...3!" The three of us ran to the cup and grabbed it. We were instantly teleported to a graveyard.

"The cup was a port key...?" I asked to no one in particular as we stood from the grass floor.
"I've been here before! In a dream!" Harry spoke frantically but breathlessly.
"Cedric, (y/n). We have to get back to the cup!" He had become a little more panicked as his hand trailed over a name. I peered over his shoulder and read it.
"Tom riddle? Who's that?" I backed up a little when he jumped, suddenly realising my presence.
"Sorry." I apologised, walking and staying stood next to the cup. A door opened and Harry began screaming in pain, holding his head as a fire was lit under a cauldron.
"Harry! Harry are you okay?!" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder as he told the two of us to get back to the cup. Cedric stepped away from the boy and held his wand defensively, pointing it at a figure.
"Who are you?! What do you want?!" He demanded
"Kill the spare!" A hushed, but demanding voice spoke.
"No!" Harry yelled.
"Avarda Kedarvra!" Was chanted and I screamed.
"Cedric!" As his body hit the floor, I crawled across the floor to him.
"Cedric...Cedric! Please!" I begged him, lightly shaking his shoulders. I turned to see Harry being lifted into the air by worm tail...? and pinned against a grave decorated by a statue of the grim reaper.
"Do it." The same strained voice ordered, just before it was dropped into the boiling cauldron. I turned back to the motionless boy in front of me.
"Come on Cedric! Please!" I began to cry as I placed my head on his chest.
"Kill the spare'? What does that even mean? Wouldn't that mean I'm spare too? Why not kill me?" I muttered as I tears fell onto my Hufflepuff cousin.
"Flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed." I heard the rat like man say as something was sliced through.
"And blood of the enemy, forcibly taken." I cried harder when I heard Harry's cries of pain, knowing that I couldn't do anything to stop it.

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