The champions!

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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

I walked with Pansy to the nearest courtyard to get some fresh air, whether it was raining or not. We sat in an archway in a comfortable silence as a teacher passed us.
"Girls you should be in class." It was professor McGonagall.
"I'm sorry. I didn't feel very well so I came outside for some fresh air. Pansy came with me to make sure I felt okay enough that I won't fall." She nodded and told us to head back to class within the next half hour. We agreed and stayed outside for the next half hour.
Everyone was gathered in the hall to find out who would take part in the tournament.
"Now for the moment you've all been waiting for. The champion selection!" We all clapped and waited as the lights were dimmed. The flame changed to a pinkish red and a piece of paper flew out, the first name being called.
"Viktor Krum!" His school cheered and ours clapped to congratulate him on his choosing. We waited a little longer and another scrap of paper flew out with the next name.
"Fleur delacoure(?) (idk how to spell it.)" We all clapped for her as the flame changed yet again as she stood at the front with Krum. This piece of paper was plain and charred.
"Cedric Diggory!" Hogwarts cheered loudly for the Hufflepuff as he joined the other two champions at the front.
"Excellent we now have our 3 champions. But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions. This vessel of victory, the TriWizard cup." All my energy was put into clapping as I saw the magnificent object, although I spotted Snape nearing the goblet of fire. It changed back to red and spewed our two more pieces of paper. The headmaster caught them  and read out the first name.
"Harry Potter...Harry Potter!" I watched as the needed boy sank into his seat and refused to get up.
"Harry Potter!" Hermione pulled him to stand up and pushed him towards Dumbledore. He edged his way over, slowly. Everyone stared at hima an I just felt bad. Dumbledore looked at the final piece of paper and shouted the name, causing me to wince.
"(Y/n) Rivergold!" I slipped off my seat and stayed on the floor, staring at the head master.
"(Y/n) Rivergold!" His voice boomed around the room as everyone's eyes landed on me.
"No, I didn't sign up for this shit!" I stood up and backed up towards the door, only to be stopped by a smug bleach haired boy. He pushed me towards the headmaster and I refused to move. Due to this, he poked my sides and I jumped forwards slightly. I turned around and saw a smirking Malfoy. I swallowed and edged towards the head master, carefully taking the piece of paper from his hand and joining the others.
"They're cheats!"
"They're not even 17 yet." I awkwardly rubbed my arm and looked down. The other girl, who I believe was called Fleur came up to me and softly rubbed my back in a comforting manner. We walked down a corridor and stairs into a lovely shelved room. Teachers followed us down, arguing and debating. Dumbledore went straight up to Harry demanding to know if he put his name in the goblet. Harry denied doing so and thus Dumbledore came over to me.
"I never wanted to be in this. Not after what happened last time it happened here." I mumbled, Dumbledore backed up and nodded. I went straight over to Cedric and Fleur. Oh! Yes! I forgot to mention, I'm Cedric's cousin. I'm his fathers half-sisters, daughters daughter. So technically I'm his half-second-cousin.
"Well of course they're lying!" The all girls school headmistress blurted as she pushed a hanging light away from her.
"Am I the only one who knows what happened last time or something?!" I asked rather loudly, causing all teachers to cease moving and speaking. Most of them shook their heads, no.
"Then why would I put my name in the cup?" I demanded to know as I backed into Cedric for help. He pet my hair and held me close to him as I glared at the teachers.
"The goblet of fire has decided, they must compete." Barty crouch announced and I sighed.
We were soon told to go to our dorm rooms, so I split from Cedric and Harry and did as instructed.
I walked into the common room and was greeted by some glares and some smirk and some sympathetic looks. I walked straight to my room and ignored them all. I collapsed onto my bed and buried my face into the pillow, falling asleep.
The five champions stood in the same room as the previous night, only this time for the newspaper. Fleur sat on a chair, Harry and Cedric behind her while Viktor was beside her. I too was sat on a chair but in front of Viktor and next to the blue wearing female.

After the photo was taken a lady with blonde hair came over and introduced herself as 'Rita Skeeter'. She shook each of our hands and messed up/tugged at Ceds hair. I snickered and gave him a sympathetic look. He gave a 'help me' look and I just smiled. She decided that for the interviews that we would start with the youngest. Which she got correct when she grabbed Harry. Yes I'm older than him, a couple months actually.
Once his interview was done she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a broom cupboard.
"So (y/n), how does it feel to be a child of the mere age of twelve going against these seventeen year olds." I scoffed.
"Bitch please. I'm 15 and fabulous." Adding sass into my voice was a defence mechanism I had gained while rooming with Pansy.
"If your parents were alive how would they feel?"
"Did you just assume my parents are dead? Honey, please they're in America. And they'd hate that I'm stuck in this situation, although they are very supportive people." I replied a smidge more sass was added.
"Hm, and what about Cedric Diggory? What is he to you? Boyfriend?" Her voice was teasing, I grimaced at the though and cringed back into my seat.
"Listen sweetie, I ain't no hoe. That Hufflepuff is my cousin. Ain't no way I would date it." And with that I stood up, flipped my hair and strutted my way out of that cupboard.
"Next!" I spoke, my head held high just before I flopped back into my chair.
"What happened?" Cedric asked.
"She asked if you were my boyfriend. I physically cringed and went full sass on her." I laughed and he joined.
The next evening at dinner, I sat at the Slytherin table and read the article about the champions chosen. I skimmed through and found my name.
(Y/n) Rivergold.
At the young age of 15 she is suspected of throwing her own name into the Goblet of Fire. Her parents won't be there to support her during this time, due to their current location in America, but she will still have her loving boyfriend. Cedric Diggory.

I growled and skimmed down to Cedrics section. It read the same sort of thing but that his mother couldn't be there and only his father and 'girlfriend' would. I sighed and rolled up the news paper, walking over to the Hufflepuff table and finding my dear cousin and beating him with it.
"Did you not tell the old hag?!" I shouted at him as everyone around him read both articles under my name and his. They glance between us and the page they were reading. I continued hitting him with the paper until he actually grabbed ahold of it.
"What does it say?" I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes.
"I'm not going to read it to you, you lazy shit! Read it yourself!" I released the paper and let him skim over the page. As he read it his eyes widened and he grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of the room.
"Ooooooh~ go Ced!" His friends cheered, we both grimaced and cringed, visibly shivering. We turned to face them and shouted.
"We're cousins!"
"That'd just be weird." I mumbled, shivering again.

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