Back to Malfoy manor/home

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Edited/rewritten: June 9th 2019

We arrived back at the manor and went straight to my room and sat on my bed, the same way I did when I remained in my room for weeks. Tears slid down my cheeks as I held in my cries and whimpers, although a few escaped. I heard a knock at my door and turned around to face the visitor. Draco. Almost instantly, I turned back to face my window.
"W-what do you want?" I croaked out, I could hear his breathing hitch as I spoke, followed by hesitant footsteps. The bed beside me dipped, yet again, and his deep voice spoke.
"Why're you crying?" I let out a weak laugh.
"I don't know. Maybe it's because I was brought into a magical school, had to fight a war against my closest friends and watched as one of my best friends lay lifeless in front of their family!" My voice was hoarse and croaky. He stared at me as I stared out of the window, tears streaming down my cheeks as rain would a window.
"Everything will be fine." He comforted. I sighed and wiped the tears away.
"You haven't lost someone dear to you..." I argued, causing him to sigh and face me.
"I nearly did," He said and I turned to face him, confusion covering my face.
"I could've lost my mother, my father. I could have lost...." he trailed off and I was now curious.
"Could have lost who?" I asked tilting my head, a few stray tears escaping my eyes.
"I could've lost you, but I didn't. Just be happy and grateful that you didn't lose anyone else." His voice was gentle and caring. Considerate and genuine. I nodded, he placed a gentle kiss to my lips, something I happily returned.
"Get some sleep. It's been a long day." I nodded and the bleach haired male stood up and walked out of my room, closing the door behind him. I sighed and sunk into my duvet and pillows, Sirius in his wolf form curled up next to me. I soon fell asleep due to crying so much.
No longer tired, I sat up from my bed and changed into something a little more simple, a pair of black ripped jeans and an oversized green hoodie. Due to immense bordem I decided I'd take Sirius for a walk around the area. We walked through the large unoccupied rooms of the house and out the front doors towards the nearest lake or river.

When we reached it, I sat down and watched Sirius play around in the water, shifting between his different forms. Dog, wolf, cat...etc. I smiled and rested my head on my arms which wrapped around my knees to which I had pulled into my chest. The water flowed slowly but elegantly through the curves it had created on the ground, stones and leaves being pulled along with the current.
"Sirius, come here." I asked him sweetly. He did as instructed and sat happily in front of me, staring at me with gleeful eyes. I smiled and messed up the fur which sat atop his head.
"What would you do if you lost your best friend?" He snuggled into my arm and I smiled, stroking him.
"I heard Dobby had been freed and killed. Fred was killed. Remus and Nymphadora too." My black pet circled me a few times before resting to my right.
"I really do hope the Weasleys will be okay. I should probably visit them soon and give my condolences." Sirius whimpered, signalling his agreement in the matter.
"It's always the best of people who die, isn't it?" I smiled remembering what pranks Fred, George and I had pulled over the two years I spent with them.
"If I ever have a kid, I sure as hell am raising it to be like the Weasleys. They are and were great people." The shapeshifting beast beside me stood up and licked my cheek.
"Onto a happier subject. I heard Ron and Hermione got together." I giggled as he licked me again, so I ruffled his fur again a small whimper of annoyance was caused. Lightly laughing, I stood up as he shifted into a cat again. I picked up the feline and made my way back to the manor.

"It really is a pity about your son." I heard a voice say as I entered the building, I soon identified the voice to be that of Lucius Malfoy. I looked to who he was talking to and saw the majority of the Weasleys, Draco and his mother stood with the speaking male. I spotted George as he saw me, he gave a small smile to which I returned. I walked over to him and engulfed him in a hug. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he buried his face into the crook of my neck as it dampened from his tears. I pet his hair down as Ron came over to me and helped me guide his brother to the couch.
"C'mon Georgie. Let's be happy that you didn't lose anyone else. I miss him too, more than anything. But at least everyone else is still here, right?" The tears had stopped falling and he looked at me nodding.
"You still have all of us." I finished speaking, looking to Ron and giving him a sympathetic smile, meaning the same as what I had just said. He, too, nodded.
"Tell the others the same." They nodded and stood up, making their way to their parents who were just leaving. I followed after them and said hello to Mr and Mrs Weasley.
"I'm sorry for your loss. I really am. He was a close friend of mine, like a brother." Tears has trickled down from my eyes yet again and Molly wrapped her arms around me, I did the same to her.
"We know how close you were. You're another daughter to us." I smiled and pulled away, so they could leave.

After they left, I sat on the couch beside Draco.
"You owe me 20...they found all the horcruxes." I smiled as he groaned and did as he promised.

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