The Yule ball

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Thank you for reading my story, however I do hope you are aware that when people write something they take the time to look for images as well as actually type out their story for you to read. So when you insult an image they choose, or the style they may choose, or even the way the story goes, it actually does effect the writer and how we write and think. So when you read my stories, I hope you take into consideration what you say when you comment on my chapter before you actually comment. It seems to happen on this chapter an awful lot just because of the dress one of us happened to choose. So I ask you, if you don't like it, that's fine, but don't tell us and then link one you prefer. We chose this dress because we believe it suits the personality of the character we have written. Also, links don't work in the comment section on any device, so I simply suggest you refrain from commenting preferred outfits or dresses. Finally, on other chapters there have been outfit images at the start of some chapters, when you comment for us to 'chill with the flannels' that actually is insulting. Whoever wrote that chapter or even the book may happen to like wearing them, so I suggest, again, not insulting someone's style simply because you don't like it or they wear too much of it. 

Added January 9th 2020: The fact that I can still see people linking things every now and then after I wrote that^^ I honestly incredible. 
I understand if you don't like the dress, or thing something else would be more suitable, but I wrote the story ad spent hours writing it, risking my grades going down because I spent so much time on this for you guys, looking for images I thought would suit the character's personality design. If you want to disrespect our choice in clothes or character design, then I highly suggest you get off this book and off my page. What we do with our character designs is put a little bit of ourselves in them, whether it be how they speak, how they act, or what they wear, so when you disrespect our choices, or images inserted into the story, you are not only disrespecting our writing, or design, but us as people because we apply parts of ourselves into the character's personality. We do understand if you don't like the outfit choices, but please keep your negative, unnecessary opinions to yourself, you can really put someone down for sharing those thoughts. If you don't like what we choose, be nice about it or say fuck all. I don't need threads of comments linking Pinterest dresses because you don't like our choice, It's actually surprisingly insulting.

Thank you for your time, and enjoy the story xx

Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

The school was littered with formally dressed students as the Yule ball began, I, unfortunately, was one of the people who couldn't afford to be late.

I was in my room getting ready with Pansy. She was doing her make up while I helped with styling her hair. She then styled my hair and we changed into our chosen dresses.
(In media) mine was a silver knee length dress covered in glistening silver beads, a thin creamish grey belt around my waist and heels the same sort of colour. My hair was lightly curled and left down.
We took a deep breath and headed towards the great hall. I remembered Professor McGonagall mentioning at some point that the champions had the first dance. Pansy went straight into the hall while I was told to wait outside the doors. I did as told and talked with the other champions until our partners/dates(?) arrived. I looked to the stairs, hearing heels and turned to see Hermione in an multiple shade, pink dress, covered in light frills. I smiled and stood where I was, just staring at her. She gracefully came down the centre of the stairs and was greeted at the bottom by Viktor Krum. She took his arm and walked with him to the doors, passing me. She smiled to me, inwardly fangirling and cringing.
As she passed me I patted her arm and whispered.
"Good idea saying yes, Hermit." She giggled at my nickname for her and continued on. I looked around and saw Harry with one of the Gryffindor girls while Cedric stood with Cho. I walked up to the two with a bright smile.
"I hope you know how to dance Mr Diggory." I said in such a british accent that it was funny and offensive.
"Please never do that again." He laughed, I giggled and agreed to never do it again.
"Have the best of times tonight." I curtsied to the two as Draco appeared next to me. We all lined up as trumpets sounded and the doors opened, revealing the great hall, looking similar to a winter wonderland and students in two separate crowds, creating an aisle for the 10 of us. At the front of the line was Fleur and her partner, then Viktor and Hermione, Me and Draco, Ced and Cho and finally Harry and his partner who I do not know the name of. The walls faded from white into grey as it reached the floor and snow fell from the ceiling, it really was a beautiful scene. We took our places on the dance floor, his right hand on my waist and my left hand on his shoulder, our other hands clasped together as the orchestra began playing. We danced along to the quick rhythm. Quite soon after, Dumbledore and McGonagall joined the dance.
"Ah a tale of love as old as time." I spoke in a teasing voice, glancing to the professors. I heard Draco snicker.
"Who's next? Snape and Tralawney?" I quietly laughed at his statement as we switched our hands, my right hand now on his shoulder.
"More like Krum's head master and someone." I giggled as I placed both hands on Draco's shoulders and he briefly lifted me in the air, spinning slightly.
"Weasley and Longbottom." My smile grew wider at his statement, glancing around the room.
"You're kidding." I asked in disbelief. I continued searching and saw the two of them dancing.
"Well that's something you never expected." I hummed.

most people had left and gone to bed or to make out at hidden places of the school while we sat at one of the furthest corner tables.
"Why do they make these dances with so much spinning and jumping?" I whined.
"I'm so glad Pansy went with Blaise. I would probably have no blood in my arm if she didn't." I laughed at Draco's comment about my roommate and saw Hermione and Ron leave.
"Where'd Harry go?" I asked myself.
"Maybe he left to talk to someone?" Draco suggested, I hummed and nodded, soon hearing Hermione shouting. I felt bad for her, she just had one of the best nights ever and Ron 'ruined' it. I shared a look with Draco before standing up.
"You're going to the mudblood?" He growled, I scoffed and looked at him.
"She's my friend and she's upset. Pureblood or not she's still a human being with feelings." The bleach haired boy audibly sighed and slumped into the chair.
"Thanks for agreeing to come with me. I'll see you back in the common room." I quickly kissed his cheek before going off to find the hermit crab.
I walked out of the hall and saw her sat on the stairs, taking her shoes off crying. Any expression that was on my features faded into one of sadness. I carefully climbed the stairs and sat beside her, rubbing circles on her back and she cried and buried her head into my shoulder. I pulled her closer to me as she cried harder.

After she stopped crying, I guided her to the Gryffindor common room. I gave an awkward smile to the fat lady and asked to take Hermione in. Upon seeing Hermione's state she agreed and let me take her through.
"Thank you." I said to the woman in the portrait and sat Hermione in the couch, I crouched in front of her and rubbed my thumb over her hand.
"He's an ass Hermit. But we all know you love him anyway. Just remember tonight for the good things." She nodded and thanked me. I smiled and replied.
"It's okay. I have to go now, I have to get back to Slytherin. I'll see you tomorrow." I gave her one last hug and headed off.
"Ceeedd! Have you figured the egg out?" I whined, dramatically dropping myself on my stomach, over his legs as he and his friends at in the courtyard. He ruffled my hair.
"Yeah." I shot up and looked him in the eye.
"Tell me." I said quickly, not wanting to waste my time.
"Let's go find harry and I'll tell you both." I agreed and dragged him away.

While we were aimlessly wandering around we stumbled across Harry talking to Hermione.
"Hey Potter!" Harry looked to us and began to walk away.
"Potter!" Cedric repeated, jogging up to him. I followed after but stood by Hermione, asking if she was okay now. She nodded and we listened to the two boys.
"Cedric." Harry greeted as he stopped walking.
" are you?" Cedrics voice was calm and gentle as if he were to break something if he spoke any differently.
"Spectacular." Harry replied, the only emotion I could read was annoyance?
"Look I realised I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons," The black haired Gryffindor interrupted.
"It doesn't matter. I'm sure you would have done the same."
"The prefects bathroom in the fifth floor." He paused and leant down to harry. "It's not a bad place for a bath." He stood up straight and started walking away. "Just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water." I stared at my relative confused before everything clicked into place.
"Well that was bloody vague, wasn't it?" He chuckled and continued walking, I remained with the two Gryffindors.

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