-2. Tell It To Me Straight

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**Willem's POV**

A lot has happened since we got Chanel back. She is now living in Poland with Blake. I think she'll learn to be happy with him there or at least content. We did a bit of switching guys around to accommodate the changes.

Of course she was very unhappy that we lied to her. We had told her she would be able to stay in North America if she cooperated. The guys & I decided for the sake of Zoe, we didn't want Blake trying to retaliate when we find her. He really thinks it was Zoe's fault that Chanel ran away.

He's not thinking straight. We tried to tell him Chanel thought for herself, but he thinks he & Chanel were doing fine before Zoe came. Chanel was just waiting for her moment to split. That's why we can't let our guard down.

He asked to be sent where he could have more control over her. He has family in Poland so it was a good choice for him.

With a bit more pushing, she gave up the color of the car this David guy was driving. We even got the area the Parkers lived in. We took her with us so she could see if anything looked familiar. She knew not to lie to us again.

Once we got to the area, we felt we didn't need her for anything else. I mean she was only with them a little while she said. I'm pretty sure we got all we could out of her. So by June 29th, we had a pretty strong lead thanks to her.

We had a few vehicles waiting in the streets of the subdivision looking for a red head guy in a grey Mazda car. I wish she knew more about cars to tell us a year or model, but we're convinced she couldn't remember after what we put her through. Most of our selling has been put on hold, while we use the manpower on this matter.

We'd also received some information about a phone number that came from Utah back in March with a Nebraska area code. We thought It was from Nebraska until we had it triangulate to a city in Utah. Our guy that was supposed to be keeping an eye out for things like that got cursed out by Pav.

"You saw that a number called both of them at night & thought it was a fückin chance of fate" were some of his words.

He admitted he thought it was just a telemarketer probably- just a simple coincidence of some sort. I know for real he just didn't care to keep track. To a lot of our people, they just think of Zoe as some common woman that got away.

They think "oh well she got away, just get another black chic somewhere, if that's your thing..." He didn't know it was on Zoe's birthday that the calls came in. We didn't go around telling everyone her birthdate.

I see Zoe almost like a toy that someone took from me. Not having that toy makes me want it more. I can't tell if these feelings of really wanting her are true & honest or if she's like my forbidden fruit. Maybe once I taste her again, I'll be over her. I can't find out until we get her home.

My sexy little mocha babe is out there somewhere & we're close to finding her.
We knew they would slip up now or later. Just like Chanel.

We looked for more calls from that number to Rae, Lily, Zoe's parents or 4 possible others she might've talked to. It definitely took some time searching months of phone records. It came back as just the two times.... & telemarketers don't call that late in the evening.

It was time for Zac to go ask some questions from her buddy Rae. We still need to shorten our search area down more.

**Zac's POV**

It was July 3rd & we still hadn't found Them. I mean I know we had a lot of ground to cover, but Zoe is not some skilled hiding expert. She's probably out in the open somewhere thinking everything is going back to normal, after all this time. She's too dam optimistic for her own good.

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