-10. Danger

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"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

H. P. Lovecraft

A lot of people say they fear death, but they really don't. What they really have is a fear of what happens after death... The unknown to them.

I believe I know what comes for me after death. It doesn't mean I want to die, let me make that clear. I'm just explaining my current mindset of fear.

My biggest fear at the moment is the unknown of what Zac & the guys are going to do to me. It seems trivial compared to death. But since they have me again, & I definitely don't see a way out, it has me stuck on a spinning marry-go-round of fear.

I knew it was coming. I knew once they had over powered me in my house, that I was  screwed.

I layed on Zac's bed, unable to stop the slow stream of tears that were escaping my eyes. I'd like to think he wouldn't really hurt me, but then I thought back to how I was punished in the basement after our shopping trip together. & how mad he was at me. That's the only time I've seen Zac more mad at me then he seemed tonight.

I kept glancing at the bathroom door awaiting my fate. I heard the water stop,  & Zac finally came out all cleaned & showered with a towel around his waist.

He looked at me "Why are you crying Zo. I haven't even punished you yet."

It was the "yet" that scared me. They'd had months to think about punishing me. & here I was stupid enough to think I had been happily forgotten about & moved past.

"Is it because you got caught being deceptive. Is that why you're crying"

I shook my head. I wanted to explain but it all came out as mumbles under the gag. "Why won't he just let me explain" I thought.

He came over to the bed, dropped his towel, & decided to straddle my naked body with his own.

"You know what I think. I think you knew you were pregnant when you left us in the middle of the night...& If we hadn't found you, you never would've told us that one of us was a father. You would've just kept our daughters from us" he said while leaning over my face with his hands on either side of me resting on the pillows.

He was looking into my eyes & I was looking straight back into his serious  deep blues. Eyes I once upon a time found attractive. He was only half right, with his assessment of what my choices were.

I didn't want Zac, Pav or Willem mad at me about this baby issue & me leaving. Can they get over one of the issues, at least. Again, why would he gag me to confront me on something like this.

"You talked about V, downstairs a lot, So what would it take for you to be compliant & just surrender to us, Zo. He gave me soft gental kisses on my cheek.

He continued kissing down my neck, breast & stomach softly while talking
"Dont you want to be an obedient girl. Whats it going to take." He stopped kissing & looked up at me.

He moved between my legs, aligning himself to enter me. I tried to close my legs but of course I couldnt. "Do we need to fill you with our babies, to make you give your false feelings of control back."

I shook my head no. I didn't need anymore of their kids. 2 was 2 more then I ever wanted from them. Did they set me up to get pregnant. Zac's words made me feel they did, until he somehow read my mind & decided to clear things up.

"We didn't plan for you to get pregnant the first time, if that's what you think Zo. It was a mistake on our part. We normally take pretty good steps to make sure no girls get knocked up by us. We enjoyed sleeping with you & somehow we didn't realise you weren't smart enough to be on the pill. Sh*t happens. I guess."

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