39. Emotional Truths

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**Zac's POV**

"Well is our girl Zo being good?" Pav asked on the other end of the phone line.

"She's been good, for the most part. She had a small incident 5 days ago. Warren told me about. She decided Warren was the perfect way to defy us & call her parents. Of course she was right & he gave in to her."

"I know that gullible bastard's into her, but he needs to watch out before he makes a mistake that we all pay for. Him in his big fückin heart. I love him but I need to have a talk with him" Pav replied.

"Don't worry, I've already had a conversation with him about it. He's been staying clear of her for the last 3 days, so she can ease up on her frustration with him. He wanted to make sure I didn't hurt her. I reminded him thet that's your thing, cuz, not mine. I'm more a lover then a fighter" I laughed, but it's true. I can safely say I love my Zo, almost always have. Smart mouth & all.

If I said I wasn't a bit jealous of how Zo clinged to Warren, I'd be deceiving myself. I see in her eyes she's softened to me a little. Like she said, she doesn't want me dead anymore, so that's a step in the right direction. I know Zo was just trying to make me jealous with her comparing me to Warren. Her eyes said different when she first walked into the kitchen, so I'm not worried.

Warren & I tend to have the same taste in woman. Even growing up spending time together in the summers, we'd like some of the same girls. I knew he would go for my Zo, but a part of me hoped he wouldn't.

I knew that he would have a step up on me, because she was still so angry when we brought her back & he was Mr good guy. I don't mind them hanging out. Hell, if he wants her to be his too, I'm for it. I just want her giving me a valid chance too.

I mean, I am a man & in my perfect vision of the future, all the guys would lose interest & I'd have her as my own. If the girls are Pav's or Will's, they'd still be around them & love them. Like I've said before, I'd never let her get in between us.

"Zac. Did you punish her enough or did you end up giving in & going soft." Pav's words knocked me from my thoughts.

"What the hell's that suposed to mean. I know how to punish." I said defensively.

He laughed. Oh I have no doubt you do. We've all been taught well, but you know you get soft around her, ya pussy" he laughed.

"Oh shut up. I went half way. I didn't want her going back to straight up hating me, like she does you. I miss my Zo that dropped her guard down around me. I have a small plan to get it back, but I'll wait on that for now".

"Hey she may hate me, but she also knows not to go against me. She needs a refresher course on what made her fall for me. Then she'll be back to being putty in my hands..& uh yeah that Guard dropping Zo, left for good the moment you walked her in the door of the Texas house. Just enjoy her püssy & show her who she belongs to."

Pav acts like he doesn't want love or emotional connection, but I know he does. He just doesn't understand how to get it. Everything is violence with my dear cousin. Maybe he just needs a girl that is crazy & enjoys the pain.

"You know what Pav. One day you're going to find a girl that makes you second guess hurting her. Then you'll be putty in her hands." I said with a smile, not caring that he couldn't see me.

"Fück that. I've second guessed hitting Zo, but then I remember how it makes my dïck hard after she gets spanked & cries & I carry on."

"Bro, you are hopeless. I don't need to hear about your dïck or what it makes you want to do to my girl."

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