-6 The Truth Will Make You Free

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Ok here's another update for tonight. I was on a little writing roll but didn't want to get too carried away with crazy detail. Let me know what you think. It's her first meeting with the guys. How is it going to go down 🤔😮😇. Happy reading.


I jumped awake hitting my head on something hard above me. I reached out to touch where I hit it by reflex "ouch". My hands weren't tied anymore or my feet. They had removed the tape off my mouth also. I felt my body & I still had on the same cotton grey & yellow stripped maxi dress I started with that I liked wearing. My feet were still bare, but I wasn't surprised since I was fighting the guy Darik, barefoot.

 My feet were still bare, but I wasn't surprised since I was fighting the guy Darik, barefoot

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(Her dress ^^^)

The room was dark. I could tell it had blackout blinds over the windows. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't. There was enough space for me to get on my knees and sit up. When I felt around me again, it felt like metal bars above my head.

 When I felt around me again, it felt like metal bars above my head

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(A cage like this ^^^)

the same thing was surrounding me. On the floor was a cushion covering the whole bottom from caged wall to caged wall. I started to panick as I grabbed the bars trying to shake them free. How did they even get my knocked out body in here, I thought.

"Let me out!" I yelled while trying with all my strength to break free. "Please!" I yelled. I really wanted to cry, but didnt. My face still felt sore, but not as bad as in the van. "Please! I didn't do anything wrong" my eyes were getting use to the darkness a bit more & I could see a thin strip of light coming from the side of the covered windows.

After sitting there in the dark for what felt like 45 minutes, the door opened letting light in from behind them in the hallway. I looked as I heard a baby's little whine.  Pavel was standing there with I think, Aiva in his arms in the light. He walked over to a remote that opened the blinds. I squinted at the light that began to brighten the dark room.

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