End of book2.Book3 is up.

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You've survived the pains & happiness of Zoe's life so far. Book 3 is finally up. I plan for this to be the last book of the series 😇. Hope you stick around to see what's going to happen next.

For those of you who requested a chapter with retaliation & stabbing 🤷🏾 that wouldn't be part of the real story (which I'm surprised some of you wanted that lol). I've written it below as a dream sequence that Zoe has. I hope you like it. If not, just remember it's not actually part of the story 😊😇. **Warning** below is a bit bloody & violent.

⬇⬇Readers discretion advised.⬇⬇


I had this strange occurrence happen to me. It's only happend twice in my life. This would be the 3rd time it's ever happend.

It's when my dreams are long & detailed & I dream them one night & the next night it almost continues on from where it left off. This time it was about the guys. I don't know why I dreamed this crazy nightmare, but it might just haunt me for the rest of my life.

So hear was my dream...

The guys brought me back to the house in Texas. I asked them why we were there. At that they cuffed my hands together faster then I could blink. They told me they had decided to sell me & take the girls away from me. They didn't tell me this until we were at the house. We arrived in one car & one SUV. I was in the SUV with Zac, Willem & Pav. They insisted that Dana ride in the car with the girls against my will.

As she took the girls back at the house, she had a smile on her face that she thought I didn't notice, which pissed me off. Warren was driving the car with Derik in the passenger seat. I had a flashback of Warren telling me everything was going to be ok. I guess he'd lied to me. I was screaming & trying to get free as they pulled me into the house with ease, like I was floating into my unwanted destiny. Dana stayed in the car with the girls & Darik.

The guys wouldn't look at me. They just kept walking. "Why are you doing this Zac. You claimed you loved me" I screamed with so much anger & confusion.

"Because you're a waist of space" Willem said as he grabbed my arm tightly.

"There's a Frenchmen that wants you & is paying us 15k. We'll find another girl for us to enjoy & we're keeping the baby girls too" Pav said right before punching me on the stomach. They chained me to the wall in the living room. They had new looking metal hoops drilled into the wall.

I looked around the room for a way of escape. Of coarse there was none. I was going crazy when I heard female yelling & crying. Warren was just leaning against the wall with his cell phone. He was grinning as his face lit up from the glow of his screen. He was texting someone.

I fought to get loose as I screamed to be let go. I started cursing them out when I heard a voice. "Will someone shut her the hell up" the voice said. It was Clai walking in from the kitchen.

At that moment, Zac stuck tape over my mouth.

The yelling & crying were coming closer from around the corner. As I looked over Chase, Ian & blake were roughly pushing in 9 girls. Some of them were fighting against being grabbed by the guys. They were all bruised up & I knew it was mostly Pav's doing. I was surprised to see all the guys there at once.

Before anyone could act, one of the girls, elbowed Ian in the face and grabbed his gun quickly turning & shooting him in the head, shooting Zac in the stomach & Chase in the chest. Zac fell over grabbing his stomach as blood began soaking through his shirt. Chase layed dying as Ian layed there dead with his eyes wide open. The guns had silencers, but they were still pretty loud.

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