-17. Moment of Truth

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Pavel was holding on so tight to my hair, I was sure he was going to pull it out of my scalp.

My tears did nothing to stop him. I thought maybe he would've open the door,then come out to get spanked, but he skipped straight to rage.

He acted like I hadn't been doing everything he's been telling me to do all this time. I decided my only options were to apologise, pretend faint or fake some kind of panic attack. Like an idiot up against a mental wall, I decided to pretend faint.

He swung me by my hair onto his bed.
"I think you need to learn how to use that mouth of yours correctly. When I'm done with you, you'll be wishing I just whipped & fücked you."

As soon as he let go, I rolled off the other side of the bed as he climbed on. I held my hands in front of me as I backed up to the wall. "Pavel calm down. They were just words. Can't you see how much I love you." Get more bees with honey right.

He climbed back off the bed trying to walk towards me. I climbed back on to avoid him "do you think this is a game Zo. Are you trying to see how angry I can get"

"No babe. I wouldn't do that to you. Remember in the bible where it says- love is patient, love is kind." I said seriously as I moved opposite of whichever way he was coming. I had to build up my fake faint. If it wasn't believable, I'd probably regret it whole heartedly. I just needed to fake faint in a way that wouldn't hit my head on something. I wiped some left over water & tears from my face.

"Bring your ass over here now. I'm not playing" he said coming back to the other side of the bed.

I don't know what's going to happen when I wake up, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. "This might give me more time to pray" I thought. I stayed there like I was trying to focus, waving my body a little back & forth. As soon as he made it to me "Pav I don't feel s-".

I rolled my eyes back & fell into him. He caught me as I did dead weight.

"What the fück! Zo! Son of a bïtch!" He lowered me to the floor. "Zo if you're faking, I'm going to beat the hell out of you"

Does he think that threat would make me want to wake up. Hell no. I know I'm following through now. Maybe he wont hurt me as much, if he thinks I'm already having problems that cause me to faint. I mean it's happend before. I was pregnant that time though, thinking back on it.

He lightly smacked my face trying to wake me up. "Zo wake up" he said sounding a little less angry. He felt my pulse, then I heard him get up off the floor & walk somewhere. I didn't move an inch.

I heard water, then it turned off & he came back. He put a damp cloth on my head. What that was supposed to do, I don't know, but I decided after a minute or so that it was time to wake up.

"Shït" I heard him say as my eyes fluttered open. I looked around a bit confused "Pav?.. What happend"

He looked down at me like he was trying to read me. Lucky for me, I've fainted before & know how it felt waking up from that. Like you're confused as to why you're on the floor & why someone is standing over you.

"Well you decided to faint on me...again. what's wrong with you" he said seeming slightly worried with anger & care mixed in.

I sat up slowly "sorry, I just got light headed for a moment & everything went dark." I tried to stand up acting like nothing before fainting happend. He actually helped me up & made me sit in the bed.

"Zo, this is far from over, but I'm going to ask Will to look at you & make sure you're ok, before we finish what you started." He looked at me a little disasapointed. "You better not of been bullshïting me. If Will finds nothing wrong with you & tells me you were faking, you'll be wishing you fainted for real"

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