-19. Strong Feelings

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**Willem's POV**



A very strong sexual desire.

Often confused with love, it is purely physical attraction and has no lasting effect

"If one wants another only for some self-satisfaction, usually in the form of sensual pleasure, that wrong desire takes the form of lust rather than love. "

Mortimer Adler

That quote may be right, but I want more then just sensual pleasure from Zo, so I wont call it lust. I'm also not rulling it out completely. I want her obedience, love, respect, & her will along with her body.

If she hadn't of left with Pav after making me hard, I would've bent her over my bed & made her scream my name until she lost her voice.

I love to lust after Zoe. I've had girls lust after me, it didn't bother me. That's how some of them ended up with us at past houses. People like to be lusted after, wanted for their looks or the feel their body can give others. They just don't admit it often.

What I feel about Zoe is more then just that physical attraction, like I said. If I were forced to chose some words for what I feel for Zoe, they would be...infatuation and a strong foundness. I just know at the moment, I never want to let her go, there is a lot of lust in me for her too.

I don't like to use the word love. It's an overused word that causes week people to lose their mind's even more. I'm not talking about Pav and Zac. I know they know how to control themselves when they want to just like me. We were taught right.

When I first heard about Zoe from Zac, I thought she was just another ordinary woman. Zac's liked a lot of women & has brought a lot of women to us. I was sure he would get over her in a month or less, but he didn't. Weeks turned to months, months turned into all this time that's past. The more she turned him down, the more he wanted her. I think it's because he saw her almosy every day, before we took her.

I thought she was pretty, but I didn't consider her as amazing. The more I watched her & researched her, the more I liked her & wanted her. Watching her at the park, when she went out with friends, how she held her faith, how she acted around men. It all made my new obsession with her grow.

It's interesting when you know a person & learn so much about them, before they even know you exist. I see how Zo is more uncomfortable around all 3 of us together. I think we intimidate her a little, like she thinks she can handle one of us with her smart mouth.

She is a strong willed woman most times, I have no doubt that Pav & Zac have humbled her a bit. I saw a taste of it when she came to my room. I kind of wanted her to refuse to get on her knees. Then we could've had a little more fun showing her who she belongs to.

I don't mind sharing her with Pav & Zac.
Pav, Zac & Warren are more like brothers to me then cousins. They treat my sister like their sister. Like all of our parents always taught us "There's strength in unity. Don't let anyone come before your blood."

We all want Zo, but I'd hate if any of the guys let her come between us. I would hate so much to have to sell her, but that would be the only way. She just knows too much to be set free. But we'd take care & protect our kids. We'd even keep her close to see them. They are our blood. I know that will never happen though. I actually hate thinking about that possibility. We've been in this job a long time, I see her giving in already & we know how to not let a woman get between us.

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