-18. Language

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Hey you all. Here's a chapter that's fairly short in comparison to most of my chapters. It's a lotta bit smutty, haha. I don't know how you all will take it. I write what I want & hope you guys like it. It's a nice plus when you enjoy my writing."

I've never choked and gagged as much as I did when Willem just made me suck him off. Jerk wouldn't even let me brush my teeth. It's like he was proving something to me. My eyes were watering & he kept going. He even put in the time to knock me down.

"Tell daddy you've missed his cöck baby."

Catching my breath "Yes daddy I've missed your cöck" I said before he shoved it back in my mouth & held my head still till u got dizzy. When he finished, he had me sit on the bed. I wiped my mouth & sat there silently.

They both just looked at me for almost a minute. I had to remind myself not to fold & admit my lie. Then Willem broke the silence. "So why did you faint this time Zo. Are you pregnant again" he raised in eyebrow at the question. I furrowed my brow at that ridiculous question.

I wanted to just blurt out "Oh God I hope not" but I decided to just reply "No I'm pretty sure I'm not. I don't know why I fainted. I was just standing there & I got dizzy. I tried to focus & clear my head from the spinning & I just passed out. I just remember Pavel walking toward me & he started spinning. I woke up on the floor with Pav kneeling next to me"

I hope those morning after pills they'd been giving me every 3 days worked until they gave me birth control. I really think they wouldn't care if they got me pregnant again. Just another child to control me.

"So you still haven't given us a possible reason Zo" Willem said.

"I don't know SIR. Maybe from my lack of sleep & I've been a bit dehydrated lately. Since I was moving around a lot, it must've gotten to me."

Time to lay on some fake apology. Maybe it would get them off my case. I looked at Pav "I'm sorry for back talking Pav. I was tired & emotional in the shower & it just got to me...Im also sorry if I made you worry about me when I fainted."

I hope that worked. I said it with so much fake sincerity, I almost believed it.

They both looked at me for a moment then walked a few feet away so I couldn't even here their German. I don't know why they did that when I can't understand them anyway.

I only knew two words in German & that's because I looked them up after meeting Willem the first time at the hotel. I just knew fück & breast. Not very helpful but it's what stuck out in my mind hearing him that day.

They came back over to me. "Zo we've decided to believe that you fainted for real. You're not going to get any special treatment because of It let's get that straight. If it happens again, we'll have ways to see if you really are pretending to lose consciousness or not."

After Willem finished talking, I realised I might've just used my only get-out-of-jail-free card.

"Stand up" Willem added.

I stood up like he said. "So, now I'm asking you. Who do you love Zo"

"Well, I love my babies, my parents, my siblings, God, Abby, Ra-"

"Keep it up Zo" Pav said as a threat.

"I'm sorry. I was being honest. I love you Willem. I walked closer to Willem & kissed him I grabbed the sides of his face to control the kiss. I stuck my tongue in his mouth. I hoped he'd taste his own dam cüm on my lips, since he wouldn't let me brush aka recycling back to him.

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