-23. Comfort

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"The word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. "

Carl Jung

I must have some more happiness coming, after all the sadness I've had to deal with. My sadness brought me happiness before. Then they took that happiness away leaving me with utter & complete sadness.

Can no one hear my cries. Everytime I feel like I've run out of tears, my body surprises me & gives me so many more.

Well I wondered what the backyard cabin  was for & now I know. I woke up naked & chained to the corner of the shed on the floor. I was so angry the first few days, when I woke up.

The floor was a finished light colored wood that went up against a wall that was navy blue painted wood paneling.
There was a twin bed that looked hard, & turned out to be harder then it looked, in the oposite corner I was in. There was a little counter with a sink & mini fridge by the left window accross from me. By the other window, there was a tall black chest of drawers with a lock on the top 2 out of 5 drawers.

There were metal chains & rings near the bed, 2 rings hanging from the ceiling, some close to the ones being used on me.

Willem was standing over me with something in his hand. The same stick Pav put up in his room. He didnt say anything at first.

The lights were off & the only light there was, was coming in from the 2 windows. The sun was setting & I could faintly see around me.

"Let me go! Screw you all. You'll all burn in hell! I hope you do!".

"I'm going to kill you with my bare hands, when I get the chance. I hate you all!"

I tried to get lose from the restraints. I was pulling with all my strength, but it did nothing

"You have no souls. You stole my children away. What kind of trash does that" I yelled & screamed as he just stood there.

He stood there like he had heard it so many times & it didn't phase him. If I were free I would've clawed his face & made him unable to have children

"I hate you so much. You'll never have be you delinquent bastard."

After all my screaming & yelling in anger, I just broke down and started crying. My anger turned to pain & sadness that quickly.

He still didn't say a word. He let me scream & yell until I stopped with my anger.

That was the first night, the night Willem introduced me to a thing they called a shock stick.

He crouched down to where I was & began talking gently "Its ok Zo, let out that anger for the last time...Why couldn't you just be a good girl. You know what happens to other girls like you, who prove they won't change. They get sold to people that know how to deal with them in a way more violent way then us. Is that what you want Zoe. To never see your family again?"

I felt the tears run down my face. "No. Please Willem. I'll be good" I looked away shaking my head.  "Why did you have to take them away." He knew what I was talking about."

There's no where I could try to run, that they wouldn't find me. I didn't know they had so many traders to humanity on their side. I wonder what they offered that woman to sell me out.

They took my babies, what else would they do to get what they want. I'm actually scared to find out. Would they sell me.

My arms were too constricted to wipe my tears. "You always say you'll be good Zo, then you go right back to rebellion. When we finish, I have no doubt you'll understand a woman's place when she's chosen by a man to be his. There won't be faking it either" he stood up and a moment later "Who do you belong to Zo"

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