40. Breathe

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"Zo, say something. You look like you're having a mini stroke. "

Warren wants to claim me as his. How does he think this helps me. Owned and abused by three and now four men? What if Darik wants to join the Zoe club. Maybe bring Chase up from Texas. Just have an abuse party with me in the middle, I thought to myself.

"Zo!" He whisper yelled so he wouldn't wake the girls up. They were laying next to me peacefully.

"No, I don't think so." I replied after a minute of silent contemplation.

"Zo, I'm doing this so I can help you. If I say I want you as mine too, then I'd actually get a say in what happens to you. I can also help you get a break from being forced into doing things you don't want to do. Wouldn't that make you at least slightly happier."

I kept thinking about his words, as they flowed from his mouth like he had recited them before entering the room.

"Yeah, you forgot about the part where they disciplined me as a group, decided to take my girls as a group, and how I'm pretty sure they all decied to keep me in a shed together. Now you want to be part of the family group that does that? You already share blood ties, now you want to share in the mental family festivities of hurting me?"

Warren has never really hit me except for smacking my butt to make me get up, when I didn't want too. That doesn't count as abuse in my book. I'm sure there's probably a rule the guys have saying Warren has to join in when they hurt me.

I remember how all three of them took turns hurting me, when we returned home from my first public outing with them. It was just a little flirting and I ended up burned. If something else happend, would they pull Warren into the group abuse. Zac has acted like he didn't want to join in before, it could've just been for show though. Maybe so, I just thought he was more innocent then he really was I guess.

"Ok, yeah there is a bit of group punishment that I'm sure we won't have to do because you've been behaving lately."

"Excuse you-"

I was about to show more of my frustration with his words when he interrupted me to continue his own.

"Meaninggg! they won't have a good reason to hurt you. You're obviously not looking at the benefits, Zo. Instead of you being split between the three of them now it will be between four. Meaning you can hang with me and get a break from fücking... when you want to" he winked.

This was no time for winking. Warren had a point though. If he would actually do it, he could be the voice of reason. Since Zac used that against him when he told Warren to leave the room after coming clean, it could work. With the guys, it's all orders for me to do things. With their henchman, it was mostly force. I have a feeling Warren might start getting use to the power of being on the inside instead of the outside looking in.

He stood up, then had me stand up. I glanced at the girls that were knocked out sleep. "Zo, I'm doing this for you, even if you don't understand it at the moment. I think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages."

I looked up at him. "Fine. I'll belong to you. My life is already gone to crap. What's another Holtzer running my life"

He smiled as he kept eye contact "Good girl. Now who do you belong to"

"I guess I belong to you, sir"

He shook his head "really Zo, it's just semantics. You don't have to go straight up owned & sad woman on me. Around me, you can mostly belong to you, princess, but you can give me a kiss for good measure."

I rolled my eyes "Don't let this whole thing go to you're head. I only said yes, because I want to know if you even know what you're talking about with this plan. Just remember this was your decision" I pointed at him then folded my arms.

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