-9. Who's in Charge

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"Don't let them see you sweat. Never let them see you sweat". That sentence ran through my head a few times. I'm not lying so what's the problem.

I sat there trying not to panic. I looked at Clai. How did he know their birthday. The most likely reason would be he took their birth certificates from my home or he checked the local medical clenic I gave birth at.

He looked at me curiously, while drinking some of his beer, Like he already knew the answer. It was the same look he gave me in the store. That look of just wanting to hear me say it.

Was it too late to tell them the truth. Should I tell them the truth.
Would it change anything.
Why can't they just let it go.

Are they planning to go find the fictional father they've created in their heads & hurt him for touching what they claim as thairs. Because that would be ridiculous

I looked at Remie & Aiva to help me focus. I didn't want to lie. I wanted my words to be true.

"Yeah they came a bit earlier then planned. My doctor told me I shouldve been on bed rest anyway, but I was trying to make a living & keep busy so kept working. They came healthy so that's all that matters to me." I drank some water.

"So how long did you stay hidden, before you started carelessly going to parks & stores, acting like no one was looking for you" Clai said. He was pushing the wrong buttons at the wrong time.

"So enough about me. How did you 2 deceivers meet?" I asked Clai, while eating some more food & turning towards the girls, meaning away from Zac's hands.

Warren seemed like he was enjoying the question & answer session going around the table. Clai raised an eyebrow at me. He's so calm & collected.

He put his utensils down on his plate and relaxed his arms on the table interlocking his fingers.

"I met her the same way you met Pavel here, just with a little twist." He nodded towards Pav.

"I picked her to be one of our girls. I decied I wanted her to be mine. At first she didn't want to comply, did you love." He kept looking at me while saying that to her.

"she even tried & failed to leave a few times" I felt like he was partially talking about me too.

"But then she finely came around to realising we were ment to be together & that I knew what was best all along. Now we love each other & she goes where I go." She was shyly eating her food, as he talked. It's like she was taking in every word.

When he finished talking, he looked at her. She smiled at him then layed her head on his shoulder for a moment.

"See Zoe, it just takes some of you girls a little longer to come around, then others." He winked.

If I didn't know the truth, I'd think they were a nice normal couple, just with her having a bit of strangeness in her. Now since I knew the truth, I see she's just been brainwashed. She's like the poster child for what happens when you give up, give in & are broken. I don't want that to happen to me like it almost did before.

"Oh I get it. What's her face here was forced like me to sleep with a bastard like you & you called it love." I nodded in understanding

"Hey what's your name? " I asked pointing to her with my fork before putting it down. She looked at me skeptically "Just call me V" she replied

"Ok. Tell me,V. How many times did he sleep with you, without your permission. How many times did the bastard make you cry before you "decided" to be his? How many times did he make you cry after you "decided" to be his
I did air quotes when I said decided.

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