-13.The Things We Learn

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**Pav's POV**

It might sound juvenile or strange to some, but we pulled straws to see who would stay behind in Texas to handle business. Willem lost, so he had to stay longer. Of course he wasn't very happy. He's been waiting just as long as us to have Zo back.

Oh my sweet stubborn lovely Zo.

Zac & I went to our family home in Colorado to wait for her, once we knew Warren had her. We don't normally bring women up there that we're going to sell. We like to keep that life a little separate at times. Since I'm pretty sure Zo is safe from us selling her, we agreed to keep her up there. Will is supposed to be there before I get back, but he might have to stay longer to oversee a few sells.

We can really keep control over her there. I mean, when your closest neighbor is 7 miles away, with woods, hills & wild animals around, you tend to stay in close proximity to the house.

So after we drew straws for that, we drew again to see who was going to spend time with Zo 1st then 2nd. Zac won that one. I wasn't happy, but rules are rules.
He likes the threatening method. Of course I like the hands on method. First show them a taste of what could happen if they break the rules, then they'll know for future reference. I pulled to go second, hopefully I'll get to start sooner then later with my girl.

After her little pent-up outburst at dinner, I wanted to grab hold of her so bad. I would've bent her over the table right then & there in front of everyone. I bet that would've made her show a little more respect. If she does something like that again, I guarantee you I'm fücking her right there. It's like my father always told us

"women need to be shown who the head is, even if you have to use your head to do so"

I bet she thinks she's in the clear after Zac has had her all week. She thinks her punishment for leaving us...for leaving me & lying to us is served. But I haven't gotten me week with her yet.

Zo needs to be trained. She needs to know who she belongs to. When I'm done with Zo, she'll drop to her knees for me on command. She's like a sweet puppy that needs a little love & a lot of training.

Now since one of us is the father to those sweet girls, I think she'll be a bit more cooperative. Being our children, those little girls are the most protected they could ever dream to be. If anyone ever thought about hurting them, I'd break their necks after making them regret they were ever placed on God's green earth. Just like Zo, if someone we don't know ever tried to hurt her, I'd make him regret it.

But anyway, yes I'm still mad at her for her actions. I can't believe she was going to keep our kids from us. Raise them without a father. Probably lie to them about who their father is. That's bullshït. I'm getting angry again just thinking about her actions. At first We thought she was a nanny or watching a new friends kids when we found her.

My dumb brother, that I love the hell out of, was right when he said they were probably her's.

Non of us were ready to become dad's. Now that it's pretty much happend, we've decided to embrace it. What else can we do, they're our family. Part of me thought Zo might've been pregnant when we had her before, then she had her time of the month & I wouldn't even have thought she wasn't on some kind of birth control.

I should've known since I dated her for weeks. I guess it's easy to say that now, since we see she was.

It's like when you rewatch a movie with a surprise ending, and notice all the hints. It seems so obvious in review.

All the cüm we filled her with, there's almost no way she wouldn't get knocked up. To be honest, I can see Zoe being the mother to a lot of my kids. I know she would take care of them. She's one of those nurturing women, like my mother.

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