-4. Murphy's Law

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Hey you all. Here's another chapter update. I hope you enjoy it. Its not as long as some of my other chapters, just so you know. Thank you to all of you who vote & comment.


**Zac's POV**

We started out right on track with finding Zoe. Things were going so well. We had the information Chase got from David. We were able to find out Matthew Parkers last Utah residence, but not his current one. We found that out with just a few searches on the internet.

From there we put some of our guys around town to keep an eye out. I told them to look out for parks because Zoe tends to search them out to relax at. We made sure to send her picture out & Abbys. To be honest, right now I could care less about Abby. I really just want Zo.

If we find Zoe, most likely we'll find Abby too. But for now, Abby is not my main priority.

Murphy's Law, in short, is
"Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong, if you give it a chance."

From July to August, our plans have been postponed. We've had to wait all this time to really continue our goal.

Our search was going well. We got a possible lead on where Matthew was working. We were able to get a copy of his old Texas drivers license picture from a police connection. That made it easier to know how he looked.
As soon as he was spotted to be followed, our guy got in a car accident & ended up in the hospital.

It wasn't even his fault. Some jackass ran a red light, making him spin & hit a pole. So we had to wait & send another guy to track Matthew.

That was the beginning of murphys law happening.

Next, one of the girls in our Ohio home decided to go a bit crazy. She stole one of the guys cigarette lighters & started a fire in the house. I guess she decided killing everyone was the answer. No one died, but a few girls had smoke inhalation. We had them checked out closely, but that made us stop for a while to get everything sorted. We had to move everyone quickly before the fire department came. We had to place them in other homes.

The girl that started the fire is 20. We're still trying to figure out what to do with her. We can't sell a crazy girl. How would that look if one of our girls, burned up our customer. Maybe we can sell her to someone that can really handle her. We'll see.

That was the law working too. We've learned to lock up lighters, just in case other girls feel the need to go crazy.

Next, we had a gas leak scare at the home in Texas. We were able to hold the fire department off long enough to drug the girls & hide them away before they had to come in. They checked our home & the neighbors. We didn't smell any gas but it was a good thing we didn't have many girls in the house at the time.

So all that & we finely got back to business.

We followed Matthew too his house & kept a close eye on him. We discovered that Abby was living with him, but our men hadn't seen Zo yet. We followed them as they came & went from the house. He would drop Abby off at a detached guest house then leave.

I told our men to keep their distance & just watch. We sent another guy out there to help keep watch.

They reported that they believed Abby was involved with the Matthew guy. That they seemed to be more then just room mates.

It turned out he was right, because he ended up witnessing a proposal from Matthew to Abby when he followed them to a restaurant. I'm a little surprised, but not really. Abby always seemed like the get married young type. Now we just need to decide if we're going to let her go through with it or take her back. Would it be worth the hassle of dealing with a fiance.

Our other guy that was watching the Guest house reported that after a few days, a black woman was leaving with a double stroller. They couldnt get a good look at her because she had on shades & a ball cap. I told the guys it had to be Zoe. How many black women living in Utah would Abby know & visit every day.

I couldn't explain the strollers she had. Maybe that was her new job. In house nanny. I don't know.

She was followed at a distance as she went to a park with the kids. We planned to continue watching where she went & what she did. She went from the park back home & stayed there the rest of the night.

The next day, we had Clai's wife join him since they were already there together anyway. When Zoe left the house again, headed the way of the park, he dropped his wife around the corner from there.

A little back story on Clai's lady. Clai's wife use to be one of our girls years ago. Clai ended up loving her. She fell for him & his charms after awhile too. They've been married 7 years. She likes to travel with him wherever he goes. It's an unwritten rule that once you marry a girl, no one else gets her & no one else can sexually touch her.

She walked up to Zoe & the babies. She was suppose to get a closer view of her to compare to the photo circulating. She confirmed that it was Zoe. The only difference was she was a bit heavier & had 2 tattoos visible. She walked back around to corner & met back up with Clai.

All of this waiting was irritating me. I told Pav & Will we needed to move in soon before Zo, split in the dark of night. Pav insisted on Warren helping get her, because he would get things done right.

Warren wasn't happy about leaving the Colorado house to drive 4 hours to Utah. Of course he agreed because we're family. I'm glad we picked 3 bad asses to handle this. I have a strong feeling Zoe won't come very easily.

"Chase, we'll make the final decision, but do you want Abby back. We won't make an decisions without putting into consideration you & Ian's wishes. Just so you know, she is engaged & it might bring unwanted extra attention to us. Especially if he runs his mouth about us taking his fiance or wife."

Chase sat there thinking hard for a moment. He knew there was a risk, but he wanted a see her face when she was caught.

"Well in all honesty, I couldn't give 2 f*cks about her anymore. She was a good lay that's for sure & I really want to fück her one last time to teach her a lesson, but other then that, she's nothing.

"I'll tell you one thing, If she goes running her mouth about us to people, I promise you, I'll be on the next flight to Utah to pick her up & show her the only time she should be opening her mouth." He said before standing up to leave.

"We'll see what we can do about your last fück request. I'm sure we can arrange that pretty easily." I replied.

We talked to Ian & he made it clear he wanted her back. We told him, we would make the final decision with his answer in mind.

"Grace?  Really? As in her middle name. Poor Zoe is such an amateur. Did she not remember that I knew that. When Clai reported his little store field trip to us, I was a bit pissed. There was no need for it. We already knew it was her.

He said he was just having a little fun with her. Like a cat playing with a mouse before eating it.

The next day, they were set up to get this whole thing over with. She was dropped off by Matthew with the babies early in the morning. I got the call from Warren, who had made it into town on his motocyle the day before. "Um Cuz, I'm not 100% sure, but I think those babies are hers. Clai & Derik said she's always with them everytime they see her. The house lights, for the main house, have only been on once since this whole investigation started. What parents would leave their 6week old babies with a nanny day & night and never check on them. Think about it."

He was right. The guys only reported seeing Matthew & Abby ever going in & out of the guest house. They couldnt be Zoe's babies though. She's only been gone about 8 months & Clai's girl said she told her they were 6 weeks old.  Will keeps our girls up to date on their shots, so I don't know what's going on. All I know is that I plan to find out very soon.

Willem picked up the phone to call. " Yes.. Tonight... Be careful...Yes them too.  You know the plan."

He hung up the phone then we finished our discussion. This was going to be an interesting night.

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