Chapter 1

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I was standing in the middle of a crowded airport, and I had already found my target. His name was Aaron Samuels, and he was the son of Ivan Samuels, the infamous Brazilian drug dealer. Together the two ran a gang that was presently kidnapping famous children, wet didn't know why or who was next. It was my job to get some information out of him, which may or may not include kidnapping and interrogating him in a top secret UIA facility twenty miles south of here.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not the best field agent the CIA has, I'm not even the second best. I just happen to be Aaron Samuels type.

I know what you're thinking now. That I'm just on this mission because I'm young and impressionable. That they probably don't expect me to complete this mission with flying colors. If you were, you were totally correct. The agency doesn't really think I'll do such a good job. But that's where I'll prove them wrong.

Aaron was walking off of an airplane at gate A18, along with more than one hundred other passengers. With his hair dyed blond and blue eye contacts in, he was going to great lengths to try and not be recognized. He even sat in coach, and it must've been hard for him and his spoiled ass. Even with all his precautions, I was stillable to locate him.

I watched as he waited for his Starbucks Coffee in a gigantic line full of teenage girls. I couldn't believe how packed the airport shop was at ten at night.

As he started to walk away, I made my move. I had timed it perfectly. I walked right in his path, but his face was too focused on his phone screen to notice. Then, wham!

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. ", he states. his face was full of shock and embarrassment, I could barley hold in my laughter.

"You spilled your latte all over my designer dress! Do you know how much that cost me!" In case you were wondering, yes the annoying white girl voice in your head was me.

"Well, maybe I can make it up to you?" Aaron said with a little smirk. Only if he knew what was coming for him.

"How could you do that?" I asked. God, even I was annoyed by my own voice.

"I have a few things in mind, but first, let's get you cleaned up" He said, ever the gentleman.

"Alright." I say, taking his arm after we head in the direction of his awaiting car. He had made sure his gate wasthe closest one to the exit, and his awaiting car was in the closest parking spot. ire was all another precaution that would get him no where.

His chauffer held open the door for me and Aaron, I couldn't help but notice his engraved ring, even he was apart of their gang.

"Oh wow you must be rich, this limo is so cool." I sqeal in delight as he chuckles. it had a mini bar on the side opposite to the seats and I couldn't help but that the windows were tinted and bullet proof.

"Yes, I happen to be richer than your average Joe, care for a drink?" He asks me.

"Oh yes, that'd be wonderful." I exclaim. In case you were wondering whether I should be drinking on job, or if I was even old enough to drink, I had gained a high alcohol tolerance in the Academy. I was only seventeen, but Aaron didn't seem to care about my age.

The ride was almost five minutes long, exactly. As soon as we got out of the car, someone came and took Aaron's bags. The hotel was nice, but not too nice. I noticed that he was trying to take many precautions on his trip to washington.

When we got there, his room was already ready. It was the top floor, corner room, close to the fire escape.

"So what's your name?" He asks, setting down his drink from the car.

"Lilly", which was in fact not my real name, "What's yours?" Even though I knew his name, Lilly the white girl whore did not.

"Aaron" He says while smiling. I could hear the faint accent in his voice as he talked.

I saw his eyes roam all over. He was probably thinking of all the things he wanted to do to me, gross.

All of a sudden, he rushed forward and slamed me against the wall. I saw his eyes roam over me again, hungrier this time.

"What you waiting for?" I purr seductively. I could imagine my friend Jake laughing uncontrollably, listening through the bug in my earring.

He slammed his lips onto mine. The kiss wasn't loving or sweet, it was hungry and dangerous. He lifted my thigh, wrapping my legs around his waist. He walked back towards the bed, and we fell onto it, kicking off our shoes.

He broke the kiss, but only so he could take off his shirt and my dress. I fumbled with his belt and his pants fell to the ground.

He walked over to his bags as I layed on the bed, acting breathless. He came up from his luggage with handcuffs, perfect.

"What are those for." I said, acting dumb.

"You" He smirked, walking back towards the bed.

Right before he put them on, I spoke up. "I think that they'd be much better on you." I flip him over and steal his cuffs. I loop them between one of the poles in the bed frame and cuff him in.

I reach up to take off my earrings and threw them down with my dress. I looked down on him and smirked.

I ran my hands down his perfectly toned abs, just to make him shudder. I bent down to give him another kiss, when the site busted open. I did what I was trained to do and rolled off the bed.

Agents pored into the room, all pointing guns at Aaron. I was suddenly feeling very exposed. Aaron, surprised and in shock, raised his hands ad much as he couldin the handcuffs.

"You little bitch!" He yelled at me as the agents surrounded and arrested him.

"You need this?" My longtime friend, Jake, asks me, handing me a jacket and some sweatpants.

"Thanks" I say, pulling them on as quick as possible, Aaron wasn't the only perv here.

"Nice show" Jake says, suppressing his laughter.

"Oh, shut up." I say, slapping his arm. "I got him alone and helpless, didn't I?"

"C'mon, we should go back to our rooms, it's going to be a long day tomorrow." Jake pulls me closer to him as we walk out the room.

Mission complete.

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