Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of the couple next door fighting, again. I had been in this extremely cheap hotel since Monday. It was now Thursday.

The walls were thin and the rooms tiny, which explained why I could always hear the two in the next room. They always fought and then had make up sex. It was extremely disturbing.

By the time I got dressed in my work clothes, muffled sounds and groans could be heard from next door.

I had already packed my suitcase when I got back from my assignment last night. It was in my trunk, ready to go home.

Now I know what your thinking now. Do I live with my parents? Do they know about my secret life? Well first of, my parents don't know because their dead. They died when I was six. The agency took me in abs trained me. I wasn't an official agent until I was sixteen, but that didn't mean I never helped them out before then.

I worked in a new section of the United States government, only officially created two years ago, the UIA(Undercover Investigation Agency). It was Co-run by the CIA and the FBI. The official director of the program was Dr. Doe. The headquarters of the program was in Washington DC, only a couple of blocks from the White House itself. It would take a three hour car ride to get back there, and a long one at that.

I walked into the red brick building, trying to look as professional as possible. Aaron Samuels was brought in last night, probably kicking and screaming. By now he's been interrogated. If he hasn't spilled where the hostages are yet, he will soon. We were planning on using him as leverage against his father, it's either him or the information

My heels clacked against the polished white tiles in an unwavering beat. click-clack, click-clack, click-clack. I made my way towards the elevator. The directors was on the top floor of the building, the biggest room here.

I walked in the elevator that was full of other agents and techies. I was used to the awkward silence that came with the passage on the elevator.

I finally reached the top floor, the quiet replaced by the buzzing business of the agency. Most of the offices were also placed up here, that was why it always seemed to be full of life and sound.

Normally most of the agents would be centered in the cafeteria now, it was still considered lunch time at this hour if you were on the clock. But since the capture of Aaron Samuels, most of our top interrogators and profilers were down in basement level 5, where we keep people like Aaron Samuels held up.

As I walked towards the office, I couldn't help but notice the amazingly beautiful view. I could see onlookers and children running around the park adjacent to us.

The general public knew of this building, but not of its full purpose. The UIA was known to them as the Doe Incorporated International Bank. Pretending to be an international bank did have its perks. For instance, no one would think weird of us putting money in foreign affairs, or funded trips to far out places. We were an international bank, no one thought twice about our international affairs.

When I finally reached the directors office, I was relieved to that she was in meeting with someone else, one of the newbie techies. I waited respectively at the door for a few minutes, until I heard Dr. Doe yell out to me.

"Miss Wilds? What are you doing out there, all alone? Please come in, there's room for you too here."

I complied to her request and walked into the stunningly bright office. The walls were full of pictures and awards, all framed and dated accordingly. Dr. Doe was a very neat and very OCD person. She kept everything in alphabetical order by date, and was never late to anything. She was also the woman who took me under her wing when both my parents died on a mission in the Congo. I never liked to talk about it.

"Good Afternoon Miss Wilds, please have a seat next to Junior agent Williams." She motioned for me to sit down in the plush red seat that was next to the plush orange seat. Junior agent Williams just happened to be sitting in thechair next to me.

"I'm sure you've been acquainted with Junior agent Williams, he's a promising new agent in our gadget and technology division. I was just asking him whether or not he would mind if you showed him around on your way to the basement level 5."

"Why would I be in my way to basement level 5?" I asked in wonder, only the interrogators and top profilers were in there now. I was pretty sure Aaron hadn't talked yet, the agency would've been trying to save the next kidnapping victim by now.

"I was thinking of letting you get a chance at breaking Aaron Samuels, traditional means haven't been working. The profilers were wondering if they could use you for something."

"Me? Why would they need me? I'm not even one of the best field agents here." I wasn't one of those girls who was immediately the best at everything she did, surpassing even the experts. I was just a normal insecure teenage girl with social anxiety, if you ignored the fact that I just happened to be a spy.

"Why, didn't you check the latest training score sheet? You were one of the top 5 agents this year." She said this all with extreme ensuthiasm.

"You're joking, right?" I finally manage to get out. Me. I was one of the top agents at the UIA? I was only seventeen. I didn't have the years of experience that the other agents had, I didn't even get a high school degree until last year (I graduated early).

"No I'm not honey, now go and show Mr. Williams around on your way down there. Just make sure that your down there by two." She rushed us both out of her office almost as quickly as we came in to it.

I check my watch as I hear the door slam. It was roughly one o'clock now, so I had almost an hour to show Williams here the layout.

"Well she was delightful. " The boy whose last name was Williams said in a sarcastic tone of voice.

"She normally loses her happy-go-lucky vibe after being with company for too long. " I state, trying to dissecretly defend Dr. Doe, she was my legal guardian after all.

"Oh, I'm Jake by the way. Jake Williams. "

"Samantha Wilds"

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