Chapter 20

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            "What's wrong Samantha? It looks like you've seen a ghost." Jackson had commented when the guards took me back to the cells.

            I replied, "I have," and sat down in the corner. I haven't spoken since then, and I don't intend on trying to.

            It had been hours since they brought me back and nothing has happened. They brought food for us, and I ate what I could. Who knows when the next time they'll be feeding us? Jake hasn't stopped pestering me about what happened. Every minute or so he would ask, but I never replied.

            I just couldn't believe that they were alive. I had given up hope many years ago, along with everyone else who knew them. We all thought they were dead. But if Uncle Andy and Elizabeth survived, surely my parents must've too. I didn't care if they were working with my Uncle, I just wanted them to be alive. I wanted to be with them again. I've never wanted too many things in this world, but to have them back is the one thing I've always wanted.

            It was impossible and unimaginable.

            But I had to think of the more pressing matters at hand. No matter how strange it was that I still had surviving members of my family, I needed to think of how to escape with my life. They obviously were planning on killing Julia, and I didn't want that to happen. Julia was still me responsibility, she wasn't dying on my watch. I had no idea what their plans for Jake and Jackson were though. They could probably make Jakr tell them the different gadgets the agency had made for me. They would take them away and I would have no chance at escape - wait - I still had my gadgets.

            I still had my purse and my earrings. I could use them to get out of here. I had to find my fake iPod shuffle. I could send a picture to the agency for help! I tried to reach my purse pocket, but it was no use. I couldn't reach it. Great, well that failed.

            I heard keys jangling in the lock and I turned my attention to the door. They were going to come in again. I saw the two bodyguards from earlier step in and unchain Jackson and Jake. They took them away from the room without much struggle. They didn't see the use in fighting against them. Where would they go if they did escape anyway?

            Julia's eyes went wide as the doors closed. She must've came to the same realization that I did. They had almost no use for them, or her. They were most likely going to kill or torture Jake and Jackson.

            "Ash-Samantha?" Julia questioned.


            "We aren't getting out, are we?"

            "No, we are. I'm not letting us die here. We will escape."

            "Are you sure? You might have a chance, but not me. They have no use for me. They obviously need you for something, seeing as you were so quiet when they brought you back. They told you something that you didn't like, they need you for something, but they don't need me." I was surprised at how observant she had been. She was smarter than I gave her credit for.

            "No, I'm not letting you die, not on my watch." I tell her, leaving no room for argumentation on the matter.

            She was about to respond when the door opened again. This time Elizabeth, was at the door with Jake. He wouldn't meet my eyes. What did he tell them already? How could he break so easily?

            "Well, loyalty isn't worth much these days, is it?" She fake sympathized with me. He walked over to where I was and I did my best to stare her down. I wasn't going to show her how scared and frightened I actually was. I wasn't letting her win.

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