Chapter 7

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            I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring a repeating ringing noise for the second time in two days. But the silly thing is, I don't remember ever setting it last night. I turn to my left only to be greeted by the face of an overexcited Julia.

            "Wakey wakey English muffin!" An over enthusiastic Julia almost yells in my face.

            I groan and attempt to sit up, but I get a little dizzy and I wait a moment before I speak. "Why did my alarm go off?"

            "Because I set it for you. It's the first day of school, we've gotta look our very best. The first day is when everyone measures each other up, you gotta get up bright and early to look your best! And anyway the early bird gets the worm!"

            I found her logic very dumb, but I went with it anyway. After the ceremony ended yesterday we were all given a tour of the grounds. Then after that we were all led to our dorms. The whole of last night was spent with me and Julia gossiping and things before finally deciding to go to bed. I was able to gain a lot more info than was originally given to me about her and the school.

            "C'mon, let's get ready!" Was it me or was this girl a little too excited to get to class this morning?

            I forced myself out of bed and into our shared bathroom which was already full of our hair products and things. Guessing by the wet floor and the still plugged in hair dryer, Julia had woke up bright and early and taken a shower before I was woken up. I took a fairly quick shower and dried my extremely thick hair before walking back in the room wrapped in my pink fluffy towel. Apparently I was a little too slow for Julia, because she was off her rocker when she saw me.

            "What took you so long?! We only have an hour to get to class, and we have to look good." And with that, she runs around the room again while picking up clothing items and managing to straighten her hair at the same time.

            "Okay, don't you worry. I'm used to getting ready in a rush." I wink at her and go to my side of the room.

            I first put on my uniform, a red and grey plaid skirt, a button down white polo shirt, and a choice to either wear a grey or red blazer. I decided to go with the grey blazer today. I then worked on makeup and hair. I decided to curl my hair today, which would normally take over an hour, but the agency gave me the best and the fastest one that they had, so it didn't take long. When I was done, I put on my new high top white converse, apparently converse was getting just as popular with the popular kids as their designer brands.

            "Finally!" Julia exclaims, pulling on a designer brand of high heels along with her red blazer. She was very short, so heels were kinda practical for her.

            "So, how many classes do we have together again?" I ask her with a dumb tint to my voice.

            "All of them, isn't it awesome?! Don't worry, I can show you the ropes." I faked enthusiasm as I thought of the only times that I'd be away from the nightmare that is Julia Thompson, bathroom breaks and whenever she left for something that didn't involve me, like a date. I'd have to be careful of who she hung out with when I wasn't around.

            "Oh right, sorry. I can't believe that I forgot!" I wish I could forget.

            "Now, come on!" She joyfully tells me, running out the door. I match her joy as we both step out into the crowded hallway. I see that the other students are also leaving their dorms, heading in every direction. Me and Julia walk down the stairs to room 224 in building 2, pre-calculus. For only being a Junior, this dumb blonde was actually quite good at math.

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