Chapter 5

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I woke up this time to the sound of the alarm that was in the safehouse blaring a sound like a ringing school bell. I was confused this time, who would choose that for an alarm? I glanced at my watch, 6:17. Why am I being woken up so early? The enrollment ceremony wasn't until noon.

I got out of bed and walked to the closet. on the way I passed the mirror, this night be the last time I saw who I really was for a while. I took in my naturally frizzy brown hair that always annoyed me and my deep brown eyes that looked as if they were tinted with all of the colors of the rainbow. I had a skinny frame and was taller than your average teenager, 5'10. All in all, I was a spitting image of my mother. My mother had also been a spy, but worked for the CIA, not the UIA. I was only ten when they went missing on that mission in the Congo, old enough to realize who and what they had been.

I sighed got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a pink and black designed tank top. The outfit was picked by the fashion team at the agency. On the first day, the enrollment ceremony, you didn't need to wear the uniform.

I ran downstairs and was greated by the sweet aroma of cinomon rolls. If they had set my alarm earlier, I would've made them myself. They didn't need to go through so much trouble for me, it made me feel like I was using them for my own personal gain in someway.

I jumped off the last step and walked into the kitchen. I found the delicious treats on a tray, cooling off. I looked around suspiciously for Andy and Jackie. I knew them and they never left food out in the open in my reach, they learned from experience. I loved food.

I dashed for the treats only to be tackled by a human body. Years in training have prepared me to attack the intruder. I turned my head to get a better look at them. It was Andy. Dang it! I was so close this time. Andy rolled off of me and we got on our feet.

"And you never learn." He shakes his head at me.

"Oh, I learn. I just keep trying and I don't ever give up." I give him my best kiddy grin and march off to the living room, where Jackie was waiting for me.

"Yay, you're finally up! Okay so this is what will go down when we get there. Mine and Andy's names will be Jennet and Alan Petters, you will be Ashely Petters as you already know. We will enroll you and then hang out with the other parents and try and get some info off of them if possible. You need to find the popular crowd and stick there, if Julia isn't there then she will be soon. After the parents all leave, it's only up to you. Ready for the makeover?" She has inquires after going over today's plans one last time.

"As long as we get to eat the cinomon rolls while doing it." I counter offer her. She and I give each other a long stare off before she finally says 'yes' to me.

We first start with the hair. She died my hair a golden blonde and set it with the formula that the UIA lab made to keep my hair this way till I washed it out with the skewback shampoo I packed. She straightened my hair and explained how to do it myself, and how to curl and do other hairstyles to my hair.

Then we moved to how my everyday makeup needed to look. I was supposed to put on five mascaras, fake eye lashes, thick cat eye eyeliner, three shades of eye shadow, two tipes of foundation, concealer, lip gloss, color-in to make my eyebrows look fuller, and some other stuff that I couldn't name.

Finally we moved to my behavior, how I was supposed to act and speak. I was to act like a rich, snobby, spoiled, white girl. I had no idea how anyone could stand someone like that, or be someone like that, but Julia's profile suggested that she would only befriend somebody like her.

When we were finally done it had already turned 11:30. It took us that long to make me look like a doll.

When we finished the cinomon rolls, which were delicious, we finally packed my stuff in the car. I was surprised to find that I had four suitcases, one for makeup, one for hair stuff, one for clothes, and one for shoes. Who needed all this stuff?

The ride was shorter than expected, probably because we were singing along to the radio songs to pass the time. As we pulled up closer to the school you could see cars parked up everywhere and even a couple of helicopters on landing pads on the roof. Rich people do it well. I also watched as a couple of limos rolled up to the front yard.

When we finally got a parking spot it had already turned 12:20. I was about to open my door, when it was opened for me by a black suited guy.

I tried to hide the surprise off my face and instead mask my face in an expression that suggested I was above everyone else. I got out of the car, resisting the urge to thank the man in the black suit. I looked around the lot, locating the entrance to the courtyard.

"Ashely honey!" I hear Jackie yell to me in her annoying upper class mother voice. "Wait up for us!"

I turned towards their voices to find that they were walking towards me from the car. The man who opened my door, the Butler I assumed, was tugging my luggage to the front doors to be sent to my room. I noticed that he was slightly favoring his right leg, maybe he had been injured a while ago.

"Yes mother, now hurry up will you? I want to actually do something after sitting in that blasted car for four hours." I complain in a British accent. Apparently my back story had to be changed at last minute, we were now a rich upper class family from the UK. I don't know why they decided to change it, but I was happy for the change because my British accent was much more believable than my southern one.

"We weren't in there for for hours." Andy says while they catch up to me. "Let's get this over with, I have a meeting at four with the senator."

"Yes father." I sighed and dragged my feet to the entrance.

I honestly had to hold in my laughter, watching then act like upper white class parents was extremely amusing, considering how much I knew about who they really were. I child probably use their behavior as black mail in the future.

I entered the courtyard and was surprised to see that the festivities had already started. I noticed the must popular kids immediately, their table was the only one under the shade of a huge chestnut tree in the middle of the yard. The poor souls weren't used to the extreme heat, note the sarcasm. I had grown up in Texas all my adolescent life, this was his weather compared to there.

I waked their way, leaving my 'parents' to finish enrolling me and to hang with the other parents that had also showed up. As I got close I could see that Julia was already here.

Time for infiltration into the popular circle.

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