Chapter 22

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            I walked down the room, still not used to the extra limps that were helping me walk. I had a broken leg. I had to use these crutches until my leg was fully healed. It was extremely annoying when I realized that my leg had broken. I couldn't do a lot of things that I used to be able to do, and Jake made fun of me for it.

            I should probably explain what happened to us now, right?

            After I blacked out the UIA came to the rescue, just a little too late. Jake was able to escape in the chaos that me and Julia caused, and he was able to contact the agency. The agency flew me and Julia to the nearest medical facility and stuck me into a secured hallway, with almost no public access.

            The hospital refused to let me leave here, at least not for a couple of days. I think they were still concerned with my mental state. They were told almost nothing about me, but with all the increased security and the squaring off of my hallway, they probably assumed I was a very important person, or I was a very dangerous criminal. I'm guessing that when an injured teenager is thrust upon you wearing nothing but a ripped but bright green and sparkly dress, you don't ask questions. But  I honestly didn't care what they thought.

            After I was treated for my leg, some agents came in and asked me questions about what happened. They already had spoken to a very disheveled Julia and Jake by then, but they needed confirmation from me. I told them everything that happened, leaving out the part about the leftover agent, the one who must've worked high up in the UIA. I didn't want the other cobra leader finding out that I knew that she was a mole hiding in our agency, and I didn't want her getting suspicious of me. I wanted surprise on my side when I found out who she was. I needed surprise on my side this time.

            When I told them about my parents, they stopped me. They were interested, my parents were still alive? But then I told them what I did. I told them what my uncle and Liz did. I told them what Julia did, and how she basically saved the day. They never blinked an eye, of course they had never known my parents, so the new hadn't bothered them much. But they had heard about my parents. They were legends among the governments spy organizations. So was my Uncle, but you can guess what people will say about him now.

            I saw them write everything down and murmur something about taking away Uncle Andy's medal for dying in service to the United states government. They were also giving my parents extra medals, ones that had to do with staying quiet when captured by the enemy or something.

            They told me that me and Julia weren't the only survivors. Jackson also survived. He was still unconscious, but he was also still alive. After they figured out that my story, along with Julia's and Jake's, told the same version of Jackson being a criminal, they kept him under watch. After he woke up he would be transferred to a secure government facility to be interrogated.

            Soon after the visit of the government agents, I was allowed visitors. Only people cleared by the agency were allowed access, but I was still eccentric. When Julia came in, she almost trampled me. Even after finding out that I lied to her, she still decided that I was a worthy friend. I did after all save her life.

            "I thought you were dead," she had said, "they wouldn't let me see you, and I thought that meant that you were too far gone or something - I'm just so glad to see you alive." She had smiled and hugged me.

            "I'm happy that your alive too. Have they contacted your parents yet?" I had seen the look of dismay on her face. She didn't want her parents to know what happened about as much as I didn't want Cobra to still be active.

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