Chapter 24

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Whatever happened to . . .


            After the discovery of Jackson's, Andy's, Jackie's and Dr. Angie Doe's betrayals, the U.S. government decided to disband the UIA altogether. It seemed that the treachery was woven too deep into the UIA, and there was no use in trying to clean the whole program all up. The leftover agents from the UIA would all be employed to either the CIA or the FBI according to their specialties, but only after a deep background check. They didn't want to discover any more traitors in the middle of the government's most trusted branches. It seemed that after the failure of the UIA, the FBI and the CIA weren't going to go around creating anymore top secret agencies again. They had learned their lesson the hard way.

Samantha Wild

            After her latest mission, Samantha decided that it would be better to settle down and try to forget about the whole spy thing. After all, she had no UIA to go back to. The CIA and the FBI of course were eager to employ her, but she respectfully declined every time they asked. She thought that the best way to move on was to leave her old life behind, and start a new one far away from Washington D.C. and Lakewood, Georgia.

            She ended up settling down in Olympia, Washington. It seemed the perfect place for someone wanting to hide. She enrolled herself into the local college, The Evergreen State College, and was currently majoring in Psychology. She seemed to have been able to leave her old life behind, almost. Even though she was warned against it, Samantha kept in contact with Jake and Julia. It was the only connection she had kept with her old life, and she preferred it to stay that way. The last thing she needed was someone finding out where she used to work, it would surely raise some questions.

            Even without accepting the job offers from the FBI and the CIA, they still assigned her a counselor that she had to meet every other Tuesday. They thought that she needed a counselor after the traumatizing events she had to go through, which in retrospect was true. But she was slowly and steadily recovering, and that was all that mattered.

Julia Thompson

            After a tearful reunion with her parents, Julia was able to finally go home. After a long discussion, it was clear that she would no longer be going to the Lakewood boarding school. If there was one fugitive who went there, who knew how many others there could've been? So, after hours of research, Julia was being enrolled in an online school.

            Of course, the media caught onto the return of the kidnapped Julia Thompson, traumatized and scared. Half the stories they were running about the experience were false, but that was only because they only knew the half of it. The government kept almost everything under wraps, but they couldn't cover up the mysterious disappearance of America's sweetheart quite so easily. The media was given a false story about a deranged stalker, and they bought it. Julia's parents of course were told the same story, no one else was supposed to know what happened as far as the government was concerned.

Max and Simon

            Soon after Ashley Petters un-enrolled from school during a holiday weekend, Max decided to tell his parents about Simon. His parents were, of course, furious. They thought that they had raised their son better than this. But for Max, it was the last string. He packed up his bags and ran away that night. Simon let him stay over at his house for the holiday weekend, and whenever he needed to. Simon's parents were okay with this arrangement, seeing as they loved their son no matter who he loved.

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