Chapter 6

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"Umm hello, I'm Ashely. Can I sit with you all?" I ask when I get closer to their table. I see one of the guys look me over and give me a smirk.

"Of course, babe. Sit right here." The guy who eye raped me pats the spot on the bench in between him and Julia, even better.

I sat down and quickly studied everyone else sitting at the table. One girl looked like she had a small mental disorder, probably OCD, but no one looked like a threat to Julia. Concluding my search for any threats, I turned to Julia.

"Hi, what's your name?" I kindly ask her.

"Julia." She says while studying me, looking me up and down like the other guy. I learned from her profile that one of her bodyguards used to be a profiler themselves, he must've taught her a few things.

"So have you gone here long?" I already know the answer, but she doesn't know that.

"Since my freshman year, but the guys have gotten way cuter since then. You'll love it here."

"Really?" I fake sounding excited to see cute boys. To me they were all just her potential kidnapper. I know it was silly, but I couldn't trust anyone at this place.

"Oh my god, yes! I mean have you seen some of those guys who were enrolling? I would definitely go home with them." She giggles excitedly.

I giggle and pretend that I had seen them too. "I know right!"

"Oh, I almost forgot to ask. What dorm number are you?"

I reached in my shorts pocket and took out the paper on my school schedule and map and things. Even though I had memorized the whole thing, I decided that having a bad memory was something that a dumb blonde like 'me' should have.

"Umm.." I pretend to search the paper due my dorm number. "Oh! Room 420, you?"

"Oh my god! That's totally my dorm number! I'm so glad I'll be rooming with you instead of a geek like I did last year. she was literally the weirdest person I ever had the bad luck to meet. She was also a scholarship kid."

"Oh my god, really? I feel so bad for you. How did you survive?" I sympathize with her. She scrunches up her face with disgust.

"I barely survived, let me tell you that. She didn't even listen to popular music. It was all unknown bands and stuff, 5 seconds of summer and second hand serenade and some guy called Joe Brooks and stuff." Great, that's like half my music at home in my old phone.

"Didn't one if them go on tour with one direction?" I play dumb. I had only gone to that concert to see 5 seconds of summer.

"Yeah. But I can't believe how much of the concert time they took up. Like I came to see One direction, not some Australian band that no one likes." She scoffs as I resist the urge to stab her with the knife hidden in my left boot.

"I know right!" l angrily tell her.

"But I should probably advise to you the group that you'd do better to avoid here at Lakewood heights." She changes the subject.


"Do you see that table next to the entrance?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"Those are the scholarship kids. They are so lame -I mean- they aren't even rich enough to pay for this school. If you ask me, being smart isn't going to get them as far as having money and power will. They shouldn't let in the poor kids like them -I mean- it was nice of the school to take pity on them and all, but they don't fit in here. They are the outcasts."

"I know, right? My daddy is the owner of a big corporation back in London. They thought an education overseas would do me good." I try and change the conversation from talking bad about the scholarship kids, if I hadn't been a spy then I would've been just like them.

"Oh, I thought that accent was British. But I didn't want to be rude and ask."

"Julia!" Someone sitting at our table gets her attention, pointing at a girl walking our way. And great timing too, if the conversation had continued for any longer I would've strangled her.

"Lindsey!" Julia exclaims at the girl who walked over here. I turn to see a very happy-go-lucky, amber haired, makeup caked, fake tanned girl wearing designer clothing. In other words, Julia's best friend.

"I was wondering when you'd show up!" She squeals while getting up and greeting Lindsey with two air kisses and a hug.

"Ooh and who is this?" She inquires, gesturing towards me.

"Oh, umm . . . This is Ashely. She's new here, and she's my new dorm mate. She's literally so cool." Julia introduces me to the girl who looked to be even a worse person to be around than Julia.

"Well hello Ashely." She shakes my hand. "I am glad to have the pleasure of meeting you."

"Me too! And I'm so lucky to have meet you guys. Without you guys I would probably be lost and sitting with the rejects." And I'd be better off, I thought to myself.

"Hey baby, you want to finally introduce yourself to the whole clan?" The eye raping guy from before asks. I really got to find out his real name, I can't call him that forever.

"Well I'm Ashley, as you already know. My daddy moved us here because of his job and I'm originally from London."

"Ooh we got a British gal over here." Someone from the far end of the table calls.

"Well, my name is Thomas. How 'bout you come visit my room sometime?" The eye rape guy, Thomas, offers me.

"Oh Thomas, don't go hitting on the new girl already! And y'all better be nice to her. We don't wanna scare her away, now." A girl on the other side of the table with the thickest accent I ever heard tells everyone as they all laugh like it was some type of inside joke.

"No, it's okay. I don't really mind."

There was a round of ooh's and cat calls. I gave them a smirk, knowing that as long as I fit in here my identity is safe.

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