Chapter 13

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            "This is so cool! I've always wanted gadgets." I continue smiling like an idiot and pull out a soft box that usually held jewelry. "Ooh, what's this?"

            "Oh, no! don't touch that. Very, very dangerous." He takes the small box out of my hands with extreme care and sets it down on the table.

            "Oops." God that was embarrassing.

            "Let me do the show and tell, okay?" He cautiously looks from me to the cardboard box.

            "Sure." I agree.

            "I must first point out that trying to make gadgets that would blend in with a teenage girl was an extremely hard concept. But what I've made I am very proud of. These objects will hopefully help you out with your mission." He explains to me before reaching for the small box that he'd earlier taken out of my hand.

            "Okay. First I will show you the item that you so graciously took out of the box." He opens the box to reveal the prettiest diamond stud earrings that I'd ever seen.

            "Oh, they're so pretty, what can they do?" I was tempted to pick them out of the box and put them on. These would've been the prettiest thing I'd ever worn.

            "They're little earring grenades."

            "Oh, I change my mind, I do not want to wear them." I blurt out. What if they explode while I'm wearing them? That wouldn't be a pretty sight.

            "Don't worry, they won't explode when they're in your ear. To detonate them you have to press the small button on the back side. They only respond to your touch, so only you can detonate them."

            "Cool." He gives me the earrings and switch mine for the grenade ones. I put my old earrings on the table.

            "I also have something that you will really like, a purse." He pulls out a black purse with a long strap. It was one of the ones that you wore around your shoulder. "This purse has many secret pockets and it's strap is extra strength material, it won't rip."

            He hand me the purse and I open it. I proceed to take all my possessions from my current purse and transfer them to the new one. I keep it open just in case I need to put anything else in its secret pockets.

            "Next we have this." He shows me a container of lip gloss that had an unusual shiny glint to it. I wondered what it did. "This is corrosive lip gloss. "

            "Interesting. Will it hurt my skin?"

            "No." He squeezes a little onto his finger and nothing happens. I was disappointed, this could have caused someone serious pain in an interrogation. He proceeds to wipe his finger on the metal edge of the table. The metal hisses and then bubbles as it's eaten away by the corrosive lip gloss. When it clears, the metal edge of the table is nonexistent. Wow. "But it will take a serious toll on any type of metal."

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