Chapter 11

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            "Ashley! I-It isn't w-what it looks like." Max stutters as he throws himself off the bed. To be honest, I kind of expected this, especially from someone like him.

            "Oh." Was all I could say because what I saw was only half of what I expected to see. You see, Max was the kind of guy that I had expected to be a cheater, but this was definitely not who I'd expect him to be cheating on me with.


            "No, just let me speak." I cut Max off and close the door behind me and lock it this time. I didn't want anyone to else walk in on this. "It's okay."

            "I-I'm really sorry." The only other person in the room finally speaks. He pulls on a shirt and stands up straight. It was Simon Evergreen. Simon, the nerdy one who used to be popular. The one who is bullied by Max and Jonathon every day. The one that I had never expected to be with Max.

            "Wow, I did not expect to see that." Both Max and Simon stood awkwardly on other sides of the room. Max still didn't have a shirt on, and Simon's was unbuttoned. And let me be the first to say that they were both ripped underneath their uniforms.

            "I-I- umm . . ." Max tried to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

            "Max, I am not breaking up with you for starters. And secondly, you can continue whatever relationship you have with Simon."

            Both Max and Simon gave me puzzled expressions. You must be confused too, well I'll explain it then. I never really liked Max in a boyfriend - girlfriend kind a way. I just agreed to the set up mainly because It would've been weird to the others if I kept rejecting every guy I saw. And if Max and Simon really did like each other, then I wasn't going to keep them from each other.

            "B-but, I cheated on you." Max managed to say. They were still sporting the confused expressions.

            "I know. But, to be honest Max, I never really liked you. I only agreed to the set up because the others wouldn't stop bugging me about it if I didn't get a boyfriend." Which wasn't a complete lie.

            "Am I not good looking enough for you?" His confusion was only thickened after my explanation after all.

            "No, you're perfectly fine looking, and you too Simon by the way. But I wasn't really looking for a relationship in the first place. But what I don't understand is why you don't let anyone else know about your relationship." I state my confusion to the hole situation.

            Then Simon speaks up again, "We didn't really think they would approve. You know how the logic goes with the popular crowd. Most of them don't understand, I'm surprised that you haven't run away by now. We started, you know, seeing each other after I broke up with Lauren last year. It just kind of happened." At the last sentence, Simon looks over at Max with an expression that I wished a guy would look at me with. They really loved each other, didn't they?

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