Chapter 23

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Jake came back only thirty minutes later. In his hands was a white dress that would go to about my knees. It had a brown belt attached, with faint lace deigns over the fabric of the dress. He also brought brown cowboy boots, which I've had just about enough of in this past two weeks. Overall it definitely didn't look like something I'd wear on a mission, especially a life or death mission.

"What is that?" I question.

"It's your clothes." He said it like it was obvious, and that I was obviously too stupid if I couldn't see that the items he held were meant for wearing.

"No, I know what it is, but why did you bring me a white dress and cowboy boots? We aren't going to some sort of wedding hoe down, we're going to the agency to possibly murder my second favorite human being at the moment. So, if you valued our sanity, I would've got something more practical." I know it was kind of mean, but when I was stressed or frustrated, I brought it out on others.

"Well, for one, I doubt there is any way you could pull on pants over that massive cast on your lower leg, and second, it was the only piece of women's clothing I have at my house at the moment that looked like it would fit you. The cowboy boots are also the only thing I own that would be close enough to your shoe size. So, if you don't mind, I thought I did a pretty good job."

"Fine." I took the clothes from his grabs and hobbled slowly over to the small connected bathroom.

I first pulled off the awful hospital gown that I had been wearing previously. I was happy to see that along with the dress and boots, he had provided me with a new bra. I got dressed, and thankfully the top of the boots fit over the cast. I was pretty sure that your supposed to have a way to change the cast or something, but I didn't want to bother learning that in such a short period of time.

I walked out of the bathroom and stopped in front of Jake. "So, how do I look?" I spun around just to emphasize my point.

"Wait, put this on." He pulled a bracelet from his pocket, one of the metal ones that I always thought could have secret compartments or something. It was definitely not something that would go with this outfit, but I complied and wore it anyway. "Great, now let's go." God, he was more anxious than I was.

I looked down at my dress one last time. If my cast wasn't so noticeable, I would say that the outfit looked nice. I could even say that I was dressed to kill.


We step into the hallway and I'm shocked at what I see. All the agents guarding my door were sleeping. I looked closer and saw that one of them was holding a big sharable bag of chips.

"Don't tell me that you put drugs in their food, Jake." I scolded him.

"How else did you think I would be able to get you out of here unnoticed without causing a scene?" He argued.

"Good point." And like that we left the hallway unnoticed. I really hated my crutches, so when we got the chance to ride the elevator down the rest of the hospital straight to the exit, I took it gratefully.

We rode down the elevator with a crying married couple and a lone old man with a look of utter despair on his face. They all must've lost somebody today, like I will too today. I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. This place reminds me too much of what I am to face in the very nearby future. It reminds me of all the suffering to still come.

When we finally exited the elevator and the hospital building I found Jake's car. He had thankfully parked close enough to the entrance that I didn't need to hobble so far down the parking lot.

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