Chapter 10

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            Thursday had flown by fast, I didn't even remember what was being taught in classes that day. It was now Friday, the day of the party at the Cheshire manor. The whole day I had to go through Julia and her friends squeal about being able to go. I on the other hand wasn't so excited. I hated parties. Ever since I was little I had hated the idea of getting drunk and high at a strangers house and waking up in someone else's bed the next morning.

            I just wasn't the 'party girl' type of person. But I had to be able to put that aside for this assignment. From what I heard around school, and from the newspapers, Julia was a big party girl. Even though she was only seventeen, she had a huge track record. She was definitely not fit to be a teenage role model for kids everywhere.

            "Ashley!" A very angry Julia knocked me out of my thoughts.

            "What?" I tried to act like I had been listening to her.

            "Well I was talking about going out into town after classes end so we can get something to wear to the party, but obviously you don't want to." She looks away and I could tell she was trying to bait me into going.

            "No, no! I do want to go. But why do we have to go get new clothes? What's wrong with the ones we have now?" She looked back at me, happier than ever.

            "Sure, we have clothes. But they aren't good enough to impress a Senior. Seniors like shorter and more outstanding clothes than the ones we have now." I sincerely doubted that we could find anything shorter than any of the clothes we owned. It was like all the shorts in her closet were meant to be oo tight and short. They left nothing to the imagination. I would've been perfectly fine with leaving almost everything to the imagination.

            "Oh, that makes sense!" It makes no sense.

            "We just have to wait for this stupid class to end. I always hated this class." She sighed and looked longingly over at the clock. I remembered from her file that when she was younger that she actually excelled in Music related classes. It was a surprise that her parents had never tried to make her a famous singer or something. It would make her and them even more famous.

            "I know right!" I actually loved our music class, but of course, my opinion is invalid.

            The bell finally ringed it's annoying tune a couple moments later. Julia rushed me out of there as quickly as she could. I didn't even have time to tell Max where I was going. Don't get me wrong, I didn't actually like him. I just thought that he would like to know where me and Julia were running off to. I sighed as I followed the bossy blonde out the door and into the hallway.

            "We need to get through at least two shops today. Lakewood isn't very big, but it does have some pretty cool shops. We won't have time to go to the café today, but we can go tomorrow. The café has the best coffee ever, if you don't count starbucks." She was able to go through all of this by the time we reached the main doors. I could see a lot of the students heading towards the town too. I had a feeling that they would rather spend the day out of school like any regular high school student would.

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