Chapter 4

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"But why me?"

"Because you're the youngest and one of the greatest spies here. "

"But she's probably a stuck-up b-"


"Sorry. "

"Look you're going and that's final! Go to the plane, they will debrief you on the way there."

"Ugh!" I yelled in frustration, stomping out of the office.

After Aaron's interrogation the techies were able to figure out that he was talking about Julia Thompson, America's sweetheart. She was the daughter of Justin Thompson, the infamous actor and action film star, and Angie Thompson, the used to be model and pop star. Basically she was only famous because of her parents money. In case you didn't notice, I despised rich snobs like her.

Normally before each mission you're debriefed in the blue room on level 2, but they wanted me to start this one as fast as possible. They didn't want the kidnappers knowing that we were on to them, so I was to go undercover as a student at her school, The Lakewood Academy, and gain her trust. We needed to have someone in place who could protect her from any immediate threats and alert the agency if I see any suspicious activity.

I wasn't very excited about this mission. I'd rather be chasing a murder maniac on a phycotic break in the middle of the australian outback than have to go to a preppy boarding school and befriend a spioled rich brat who uses her parents money and power to get what she wants.

I finally made it passed all of the offices and was waiting at the elevator next to a preppy intern dressed in way to much pink for my liking. The elevator dinged as it reached our floor. I steped in and was greeted by a swarm of suits and bluetoothed people, there must've been a meeting today.

I pushed the button for the bottom floor and noticed that the pink clothed intern was staring at me. I looked back at her with a death glare, The meeting with the director had not put me in the brightest mood today.

When the elevator reached ground floor one, the sounds of regular everyday agent life reached me. We never took notice at how our lifes seemed so normal to us, yet to any pedestrain we must look crazy.

I made it outside, finally, and started walking to the private jet that would be taking me to the school and debreifing me. The fresh air cleared my thoughts a little more as a walked on. An agent helped me onto the plane as I climbed up the stairs. I was grateful for the extra help, in spite of me being a world class spy, I'm very clumsy.

I was greated by the two agents I had known my whole life, Andy and Jackie Taylor. Both were too old to be field agents anymore, so they mostly consulted on missions. Right now they were looking over a manila folder with the classic red classified symbol on it. I'm guessing it was the echo file, the codename for this mission.

"Sammy, so glad you showed up!" Jackie says whilst turning to me. "They told us you might try and slip away."

"Well, have I ever missed a mission?"

"No, but anyway you need to come over and get a file. I'm going to alert the pilot that we're ready for takeoff." She heads past me to the front of the plane. I look over at Andy and he motions me to come sit down at the plush seat across from him.

"So here's your copy of the file" He hands me the thick manila folder. "I'll start to explain the mission to you."

Most of what he told me I already knew, bit I listened anyway.

We would land in Lakewood, Georgia at around five in the afternoon, so we would have time to get everything together. I would spend tonight in a safehouse ten miles from the boarding school. Tomorrow morning I was to be enrolled by Andy and Jackie, acting as my parents. I was going to share a dorm with Julia Thompson, seeing as the roommate she was supposed to have had a sudden accident and won't be going there anymore. I was to become her friend and watch for suspicious activity.

Since the agency didn't want anyone to recognize me, I had to change my appearance. We had developed a new hair dye product for long undercover missions like this one a while back. The dye would stay in your hair and it made your roots grow in the color it was dyed. The only way to get it out was to wash it out with a special shampoo that we also invented, it was included in my luggage just in case. In my luggage there was also a huge makeup pallet included, which I was taught how to use in one of my classes last may. I also had a new wardrobe for the days that the school let the students go to the town, otherwise I had a uniform initiated by the school.

"Any questions Mrs. Wilds?" Andy finished. In the time it took him to explain, Jackie had come back and fallen asleep in a chair in the back and we were an hour away from the school. These planes were faster than your average one.

"Naw, I'm alright." I said, using the southern accent I was to use as part of my cover.

"We have also provided you with a iPhone that has a tracker in case you get in trouble. We will also be able to record your calls and text messages, just to be safe. Your music library is consisted of all Julia's favorite music and what is popular with the popular crowd in the school." He hands me a orange cased phone.

"Okay, I'll try and get some shut eye before at land." I announce and lean my seat back.

I was shaken up, literally. I jumped up and grabbed the nearest possible weapon, my maze runner book, and took up a fighting stance, ready to kill someone.

"Wohh it's me, Jackie. No punching." I calmed and took in my surroundings, I was still in the plane but the view told me that we must've landed. I relaxed a little, suddenly embarrassed by my actions. Ever since the mission in the Russian militia, I woke up ready to fight.

"Sorry, what time is it?" I rubb my eyes and yawn.

"4:30, we still have the drive to the house." she ended up answering my implied question too, she knew I hated long car rides.

"Let's just get this over with." I walk with her to the door, skipping down the steps to a black van. I was enlightened to see that Andy was driving.

By the time we got to the house it was only five, even though it felt like nighttime to me. After we moved most of my luggage inside, Jackie and Andy started to quiz me on Julia's file. The simple things like her favorite TV shows and clothes brands. After asserting that I knew everything that I needed to know, we settled for pizza and a movie to help us fall asleep.

I fell asleep to the dialogue of mean girls with a yarn blanket draped over my body.

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