Chapter 9

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            "In conclusion, the cold war was a-" The extremely boring history teacher was cut off by the bell, thank god. I actually liked history, but this guy made it sound so boring.

            "So, how's it going with your new BF?" Julia comes up behind me as we make our way out of class. I knew that I wouldn't get out of this conversation very easily, we had ten minute passing periods and our lockers were right next to each other.

            "Well, I haven't really spoken to him much since last night." Which was true, my only classes with him were Music and AP Chemistry, which were both after lunch. We did exchange numbers though.

            "Oh, come on! You were up all night on your phone, you must've been texting somebody!" Oh right, about that. I was really just reading a super long email from the UIA, apparently they were sending in two agents to help me with the case to act as a substitute teacher and a waiter at the small diner in town. I would speak to the waiter when we are allowed to go to town over the weekend.

            "I was playing a game."

            "Hmm, sure." She gives me a look that suggested that she knew I was lying, but assumed that I was texting Max.

            The truth is, I didn't really like Max that much - I mean - sure, he's a good looking guy, but he is nowhere near my type. And he was a bully, which would normally mean that I would have beat him to a pulp by now if I wasn't undercover. Overall he was just your average prep school jackass.

            "Anyway, it's only Wednesday, but on Friday there'll be a big party at the Cheshire manor in town, you should go with Max. I'll be there, and I can assure you that it will be awesome."

            "But, are we allowed to go off campus on Friday?"

            "Totally, after classes end it's considered the weekend as far as the staff is concerned. We can go to the town as long as we are back at the school by curfew, which is midnight. That's the reason the party starts at seven, so we can get the most fun out of the night."

            "But who owns the Cheshire manor?" I of course did my research before I got here, but I am not supposed to know this stuff.

            "Oh, Bradley Cheshire's parents work overseas during the school season, they keep the manor for him whenever there's breaks or if he wants somewhere to hang out over the weekends. They are one of the richest families to attend here, right below the Italian ambassador's children." Her voice got really star struck when she said this. I concluded that she just might have a crush on this guy.

            "Ooh, what grade is he in?" I asked in an over enthusiastic voice.

            "A senior. I mean - can you believe it! We got invited to a senior party, this is all we need to bump up our social status. By now I bet that all the guys at school want us." I thought she was already the most famous teenage girl in the country, why does she need this to bump up her already high social status?

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