Chapter 17

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            It was Friday morning and the silence was killing me. For once in the entirety of my mission the popular table was deadly silent at breakfast. No gossiping or fighting. Just silence. It was creepy.

            Tensions were high between all the Juniors who were trying to be crowned the princess of the fall dance. Of course, it wasn't as bad as the Senior table. They weren't even eating. This school took it's school dances and labels seriously. I seemed to be the only one at the table who was weirded out by the sudden silence. The other tables, the ones full of kids that the popular kids never even bothered to learn the names of, were excited today, chattering nonstop. It seemed that the different social groups took the competition and the actually dancing part of it in different ways.

            "So," I say, trying to break the silence that had taking a deafening turn.

            No one looks at me. They keep staring at their food like it's the most interesting thing in the world. I sigh out loud and get out of my chair. This was boring and I'd rather be doing something of importance, like telling Jake my suspicions of who one of the spies was.

            I walked out of the cafeteria and into the hall. I remembered which building the teachers and substitutes lived in, building three. I had gotten a tutoring pass from Jackson long ago, just in case we needed to share information after or before school hours. Tutoring passes allowed the students to walk into the teachers dorms without questions. I made my way to his red door and knocked. He was most likely asleep because he wasn't substituting today.

            I waited for the sound of someone falling out of a bed and scuffing feet as he shuffled to the door. When he opened the door I could tell that he hadn't gotten much sleep last night. His eyes were sunken and his face was grey.

            "Sa- Ashley, what are you doing here?" He yawned.

            "I have a test on Monday that I need help to study for." I said.

            "Okay, come in." He yawned again after letting me in and closing the door behind me.

            Of course, I did have a test on Monday, but I never study because I already knew all the material. Asking to study was our code for, we need to talk.

            "What do you need?"

            "I think I know when they're going to take her." I blurt out before I can stop myself. I had had this suspicion for a while and I just needed him to hear it. I also had a pretty good idea who it was that was going to take her.

            "Really?" Jackson perks up. He seemed more interested than he was before. It must've been because of the boring job he was stationed at.

            "Yes. I think they'll take her at the fall dance. It's a perfect plan. Everyone will be wearing masks and no one will notice if she's missing until morning. I also have an idea of who one of the other spies is."

            "Okay, who?" He looked nervous.


            "Why?" he looked surprised now. I thought it was obvious, who wouldn't be able to tell?

            "Well, because she only started going to this school this year, right? And she is pretty suspicious if you ask me. We weren't even able to get a background check on her that was stable. If you asked me I would say that it could be her. The only thing that's bugging me is how could the organization that hired the gang have teenage spies? I mean -  we do,  but that is only because my parents went missing on a mission when I was little and I'm a child prodigy. I doubt that they could find someone more qualified than me to do this job at such a young age." The conversation turned quickly. I realized that I had gotten off topic, I was stating things that I didn't need him knowing.

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