Chapter 3

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"And that's the entry hallway." I conclude. Jake looked around with something that was almost awe.

"So when are we going to see the basement levels?" Jake asked, clueless to the normal procedures that go on around here.

"Oh, you're not supposed to go down there without special clearance, which I happen to have." I explain to him. Not for the first time, I wondered how old he was. He didn't look twenty or above like everyone else here. He looked my age, seventeen or eighteen, which meant that he could be some sort of child prodigy too.

"Awe. well I'll you soon." He waves goodbye, leaving me at the elavator. he was probably heading to the hub. It was what we called the place where all the techies hanged out and made stuff for future missions.

I look back at the rickety old thing in front of me. This elevator was part of the original building, which was almost a hundred years old. I never trusted old things to work very well, they are old after all.

I step in and close the iron gate, yeah it was that old. I press the number 5, but instead of going up, it went down. Only certain people knew of this elevator, to keep out confusion with other agents. The elevator comes to a shakey stop and I step out.

The hallway was dark and creepy, like something straight out of a horrid movie. I had only been here once before, but I still remembered the way to cell seven, where they were keeping Aaron. With every clack of my cheap heels, it seemed that the lights flickered even more.

I finally made it to the room at the end of the hall, where they usually keep the most wanted criminals like Aaron held up. I walked in to see our top profilers staring at a tortured boy through a glass window. but of course, it was a one way mirror, we could see him, but he couldn't see us.

I clear me throat quit loudly and they all turn to look at me. Most were middle-aged agents who had seen it all. One day when I was done being a spy, I wanted to be a profiler like them. They helped catch a killer with just knowing the smallest things about them. Most were also transfered from the FBI's BAU, they were the best profilers in the country.

"Oh, wonderful! Samantha darling, you're finally here. Come on in, meet evryone." One of the older ladies tells me, giving me her hand. I gently close the door and walk in.

"Umm, Hello?" I answer, still quite unsure of their reason for needing me.

They all introduce themselfs and then get down to business. In turn, they explain my reason for being here, and what I was to do. I was going to help them get some information from Mr. I-won't-tell-you-people-anything behind the glass.

I was given a plate of food to give him, and his profile. I hid the profile under my shirt and walked into the little gray room where we were keeping him held up.

"I've already told you that you will hear nothing from me!" The scipath yelled as I closed the door. I moved the hair out of my face as I set the plate down. I can't belive they were giving the jack-ass a dubble cheeseburger and a large coke, he didn't deserve a thing from us.

"Lilly?" He asks in confusion. If he hadn't figured out now that I was an agent, he was honestly one of the stupidest human beings that I had ever met. "You're and agent?" There you go.

I stay quite like the profilers told me to do, he was a narcissistic control freak, he needed someone to yell at and I was giving him just that.

"What happened? Cat got your tounge? You scared? Because you never know, I might just get out of these chains and strangle you to death." He snarled at me.

"No you wouldn't." I answer in a whisper voice.

"What did you say to me?" He almost yelled, trying to be scary.

"You wouldn't get out because those cuffs are foolproof Iron metal, unless you had the jaws of life, you aren't getting out of them. And by then, you would already be put in a windowless Iron box, with no comtact to the outside world." I tried to sound as nerdy as I could, I was trying to make him frustrated enough to give us anyhting.

"Hmm, so we have little miss nerdy pants over here." It worked! "I wonder why they put you on me, maybe it was because you were too inexperienced to be behind the big show." Well that hurt, alot.

"Please just shut up." I say, hiding my face again with my curtain of hair.

"You know why I didn't tell your stupid little friends anything, huh? They can't ever break me!" He yells, his eyes bulgiing wide in his head.

"Why are you kidnapping them?" I ask in a low whisper. I was verying away from the topic a little, but with good cause.

He seemed confused by this question, he hadn't expected me to say it, had he? to him I was just another girl with a pretty face, I was only supposed to ask him who was next, or where his father was, not the questions that really mattered to this case.

"Why, don't you ask the important questions, sweeheart?" He wonders outloud. "You know, you're starting to get on my last nerves, honey." He was trying to get me to react, I could tell that much. He needed to be back in control.

I remembered from the profile that all of the girls that had been kidnapped so far were famous or rich or both. They were all extremely high risk, most were kidnapped in broad daylight. All were daughters of important people in the business industry. There was never any randsom notes, just a video sent to the parents who they were and that they had their daughters. Each girl was taken a month apart. What we needed from him was his next target.

"Did you ever meet, Macy or Astrid? Or maybe, Wendy? Did it feel good when you took those videos? When you took those helpless girls?" I decide to get back on the offensive side, I was tired of his bull.

"Well, let me tell you one thing, Julia is the best one yet. Saving the best for last, right?" He smirks, finally regaining power over me, but it was to late. He had told us what we needed.


He looked confused, so I straightened it out for him, "You just told us the next target." I smiled back at him as his face fell. I walked out the door, leaving the screaming, raging Aaron behind me.

We had a lead.

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