Waking up, part 1

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Fletchs pov:
I sat on the end of Jac Naylors bed, willing every god in the universe to be in my favour and will Jac to wake up from her coma. Ever since she got shot in the back by Hanson's crazy son, I've been kicking myself everyday wishing Jac would wake up and start an argument with someone, like always. I rubbed my finger across her white knuckles, her small, worked hands in little fists. Jac Naylor, was the most fiery, sarcastic and difficult woman I'd ever met or worked with, but she was amazing at her job; even if she did make all of the nurses on Darwin Ward cry. I let a tear escape my eye. I'd do anything to hear a sarcastic comment, a yell of disapproval or a distasteful insult of hers. I traced her prominent veins with my thumb and curled my finger through her fist. Jacs red hair fell over her shoulders and her pillow, the long locks soft and washed. I listened to her steady breathing, and soon our breathing aligned, as I pushed a piece of hair out of Naylors face.
I looked at her pale face, he face in a pout and her eyes firmly shut. I looked at her a little longer. She was so beautiful. I don't  know where we stand . Before the accident, we had gotten closer. Briefly, but still closer . Jac wasn't one to let people in, she had a 10 Ton wall up and wouldn't knock it down for just anyone. I smiled down at her peaceful little face and closed my eyes, a tear escaping slowly.
"Stop staring Fletcher, take a photo if you must." A weak but familiar voice said coldly.
I opened my eyes and stared at Jac. She was awake.
"I wasn't staring." I said, my cheeks flushing a little.
"Sure you weren't. Why arnt you working. I don't want my ward going down the drains because one of my doctors is staring at a patient." Jac said, trying to sound sarcastic but her voice sounded groggy and flat.
"I'm on a break." I said smoothly. I wasn't, but Essie was covering for me yet again.
"Well spend it somewhere else."she said, but a small smile crept to her cheeks.
I smiled a goofy grin.
"I'm glad your awake Ms Naylor, although your in no state to go arguing with nurses." I laughed.
She looked at me in annoyance.
"I'll do what I please."she said in a sarcastic tone.
I laughed, and realised I was still holding her hand, and she was still holding mine. She looked down too and released her grip quickly.
"You do this to all your patients, do you Fletcher?" Jac  asked hastily, looking down into her lap.
"Only special ones."I grinned, just to irritate her.
"Ah of course, so first you skive off work because your consultant isn't there to keep you in check and then call me special. Good one." She said, her voice weak but still sarcastic.
I laughed, and I could tell she was stifling a laugh as well.
"Shall I come back later?" I asked, standing up and smoothing my overalls.
"If you have nothing better to do."Jac said, but I could tell by her face she wanted me to.
"Well I have another break at 6:00 before I go home and come back at 11:00 for the nightshift." I said, seeing her eyes sparkle a little.
She looked me up and down.
"Guess I'll have you bugging me all night, I suppose."She said, a smile creeping to her lips.
"You've got it."I smiled,"I'll be back at 6:00 okay? Don't get into too much trouble."
I quickly checked her vitals to make sure everything was in check.
She rolled her emerald eyes and waved me away.
I strolled away, to find Dom and Essie.
They were at front desk, checking patients files.
"Any change? You were there for a while." Essie smiled.
"She's awake actually."I said, grinning.
"Really, how is she? Complaining about anything yet?" Dom laughed. I sniggered and so did Essie.
"Well, ill say one thing. The sarcasm must have been building up because she's in full swing."I exclaimed.
"At least she's in a private room. Only thing she  can argue with is the walls." Essie giggled, causing me and Dom to chuckle.
"I do miss her shouting at me, you know. It feels weird not constantly feeling like I'm walking on egg shells. I don't like it at all, I'm serious." Dom said, a serious tone in his voice.
"Actually you know what? Me too."Essie said, closing her folder and placing it in Potrenkos work box.
"Yeah, I've been longing for her to walk round the corner and shout at us for slacking for the last 10 minutes."Dom said, getting up as he did.
"We're not busy, you can go back to Jac if you like?" Essie said, Dom walking over to tend to a patient.
"Nah, I said I'd go back at 6:00, before I leave to get ready for my night shift."I said, smiling at her kindness.
"Okay." Essie smiled.
"That reminds me, who's on the night shift?" I asked, gesturing to the timetable.
Essie picked it up and scanned to today's date.
"You, Dom, Dr Digby and Protrenko. It says Jac as well but this timetable was made ages ago, so it says if need be you can call Serena?"Essie said, setting down the timetable and picking up a pen.
"That means I can go sit with Jac tonight. She won't sleep, I know she won't. She's too stubborn."I laughed.
"Just don't abandon your duties young man." Essie teased as she walked over to attend a patient.
"CHECK JACS VITALS."Dom half yelled across the ward.
"I did it just under an hour ago,Dom."I laughed.
"She's only just woken up we need to check regularly to make sure she's stable."Dom said, raising his eyebrows.
"You do it, she might wanna see a new face."I said, raising my own eyebrows.
"Very well." Dom said and marched over to Jacs room.
He looked back at me and pulled a fake scared face and crossed his fingers exaggeratively.

Doms Pov:
I walked into Jacs room quietly. She stared at me, fully awake. She smiled slightly.
"Dominic."She said, trying to sound happy but sounding sarcastic as usual.
"Ms Naylor, I've come to check your vitals." I said, smiling.
"Fletch checked about 45 minutes ago."Jac said, trying to get rid of me.
"Okay well I need to check anyway." I lied.
I checked and sat at the end of the bed.
"How's the pain."I asked.
"Fine. I'm fine."Jac said, gritting her teeth.
"So no morphine then?"I asked,narrowing my eyes.
"Nope."She said, flicking her hair slightly.
"Okay well, better not stay too long or you might bite my head off?" I joked.
"Wait.."she hesitated.
"Yes?" I said.
"How's Emma?"Jac said, her eyes looking down as if not to cry.
"Fletch said she's good, although she's playing up a bit. But nothing she doesn't get from her mother." Dom smiled.
Emma was Jacs 5 year old daughter.
Jac smiled.
"Can you pass my phone?"Jac said, gesturing to her phone across the other side of the room.
"Sure."I said and gave it to her.
"I'm going to call Emma's dad, ask him to take Emma for a while. It would do her good to see him. Not that Fletcher isn't doing a good job, of course."She said, stuttering slightly.
I nodded and left the room. Fletch smiled.
"Head bitten off?" He asked.
"Nope." I said, laughing at him.
"Lucky for some."he said and walked away to get a coffee.
Suddenly, I got a text, from Jac:
⭐️Jac Naylor⭐️-
J: when you have time, can you tell Sacha to come see me? Thanks Dom x

I smiled. Whenever she put a "x" it meant you had to do it right away or you'd get an earache about it for the next few days.

Next chapter posted later!! Hope you enjoyed this!! 1367 words!!!
post again later, enjoy the chapter guys :)

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