Hit the town, part 17

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Jacs pov:
We were in the care driving to London, Fletch driving.
"Miss Naylor your on radio duty." He smiled, as we set off. It was 8am.
"Fine" I said and linked my iPhone 7 to the car and but on the first song.
It was 'one last time' by Ariana Grande.
The music started up and Fletch groaned.
"Noooooooooo." He groaned, as Ariana blared out the speakers.
"ONE LAST TIME, I NEED TO BE, THE ONE, WHO TAKES YOU HOME." I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"ONE LAST TIME, I PROMISE AFTER THAT, ILL LET YOU GO." Fletch yelled, smiling all over his face.
I laughed and changed the song, satisfied by his singing. "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay come on. Fletch cheered and turned the radio up as the music started up.
"I USED TO RULLLLEEEEEE THE WORLLLDDDD." He began, stopping at the traffic light and pulling out his pot of gum.
He offered me one, after popping on in his own mouth.
"Trying to imply something, mr Fletcher?" I smirked, taking his minty gum.
"Not at all miss Naylor. I just want your breath nice and minty for when I kiss you." He smirked and started driving again, chucking his gum pot in the cup holder.
'Viva la Vida' was still blaring through the speaker. We were on the moterway now, off to London.

*time skip*

We'd been in London 10 hours. Shopping, we saw a movie and got lunch, and just mooched around.
It had been amazing, just us two but we had to leave soon. It was dark
"I wanna stay. I love it here." I said, mesmerised by the city.
"Then let's stay, in a cheap hotel and order pizza and have a spontaneous night." He said, sucking in his breath.
"Really?" I said, smiling.
"Yeah, lets do it." He grinned. He took me hand as we began to walk down the street.
A gang of teenage boys walked towards us on the busy street.
"Oi ginger, got any money?" A tall blonde boy yelled.
"Keep walking Jac."Fletch said, pulling me closer.
Two boys legged it towards us. I thanked my lucky stars I locked the phone in the compartment of the car.
Me and Fletch began to run, pushing past fellow Londoners.
The tall blonde boy pushed me, my chin hitting the pavement. The other pushed Fletch.
However, another passer by pushed the mugger off Fletch.
The blonde boy ransacked my pockets. Fletch pushed the attacker off me but failed and the passer by who helped him held him back and called the police.
The boy didn't find anything in my pockets.
"Useless"he whispered, pulling out a knife.
Fletch yelled,"JAC"
His voice was cracked. I shut my eyes, ready for the pain.
I heard a loud whacking sound, and I was picked up in Fletchs arms.
The silver knife layed on the pavement and the mugger was on the floor, clutching his jaw.
Blood dripped from my chin where it had hit the pavement.
We waited for the police, although the other attacker had gotten away. The passer by that had helped us pinned down my attacker.
"Oh Jac..."Fletch whispered into my ear, me still in his arms.
"It's okay." I said, nuzzling his cheeks.
"It's not." He said, kissing my lips.
I kissed back.
Just my luck, wasn't it, getting mugged...

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