Did you miss me, part 4

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Just before I start the chapter, I'm gonna add stuff into this story that doesn't happen on Holby, but it will stick to the storyline but I'll just add extra scenes :) love you all, Thankyou for all the love on the story, enjoy the story!!!

Fletchs pov:
I walked into Holby City Hospital. It was Tuesdays morning. I signed in at front desk and walked up the stairs. I didn't take the lift since Raf had died. It was too painful for me.
I got to Darwin ward and put on my ID badge.
Essie smiled and waved.
"Morning Fletch, careful of Jac this morning. She's in an extremely bad mood."she smiled.
I smiled and shrugged.
"What's different from normal then?"i laughed, looking over at her bed.
"Thought it might do her good to go see Ollie today? Since you've got a busy day and can't be with her a lot."Essie suggested.
I frowned. Jac would definitely bite his head of. Not that Ollie would remember, he got shot in the head and a part of his brain was damaged, making him forget things.
"Hmm, is that wise? She might kill us if we make her socialise." I asked Essie.
"That's why your asking her."she laughed and went over to start her paperwork.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pager.
"Pager me if you need me."I said and tucked it into my trouser pocket.
She nodded and gestured to Jac, a menacing grin on her face.
I walked over to Jacs bed. Her red hair was spread around her pillow like a firey halo, and her arms were folded across her chest. Her eyes were dull, bored.
"Hey." I said, not looking her in the eye.
"Fletcher."she pushed, knowing I wanted something.
"How would you like to leave your bed?"I said, dodging the real question a bit.
Jacs eyes lit up, her usual glow returning.
"...and see Ollie?"I finish.
A scowl appears on her face. I hear a muffled laugh from the desk. Essie.
Jac scowls harder.
"No thanks."she says flatly.
"Oh common Jac, he's bored, your bored."I persuaded.
"When's my corrective surgery?"she said, dodging the question.
"Tomorrow."I said, smirking,"common please Jac, just for a while?"
"Fine, but if he annoys me then so help me I'll kill him in his sleep." She said, her eyes smiling.
"Why do you have to be so unpleasant?" I ask, a smile creeping across my face.
"I like to be consistent."she says, smirking.
Suddenly, her phone buzzes. I go to grab it for her when Jac says,"Touch that and I'll snap every single one of your fingers off."
"What you hiding miss Naylor."I question jokingly. I knew she just wanted an excuse to move from her bed slightly.
She sat up and just about grabbed her phone.
A smile appeared on her face.
"Emma text me from Johnny's phone saying,'hello mummyyy, I love you, see you soon for My birthday.' And a range of emojis." she read, typing a reply.
"That's sweet."i said.
"Johnny typed it I'm guessing. Emma's spelling is not that good."she said, a fond smile appearing across her pinched cheeks.
"I could pick her up after shift? She'd love to see you." I offered.
Jac shook her head silently.
"No little girl should have to see her mother in pain."Jac said quietly.
I nodded and check Jacs vitals.
"I miss Zosia." She says suddenly.
Zosia was Jacs best friend, and left when Ollie was shot to clear her head. She hasn't been back since.
"She'll be back, Jac."I said, squeezing her shoulder,"shall we take you to see Ollie?"
She nodded and held out her arms to be helped from her bed to her chair.
She clung on tightly, her head resting in the crook of my neck. She sighed softly as I rested my hands on her waist to lift her into her chair.
We stood for a minute, rocking like we were slow dancing before I sat her in her chair.
"Great, lets go have a conversation with what could be considered a vegetable." Jac spat sarcastically.
"JAC!"I hissed, trying to stifle just a small laugh but not succeeding.
Jac smirked as if she won a battle.
"I wish Zosia would come back." She said, her forehead creasing as she stared at Dom dancing. I looked down at her but said nothing, so she continued speaking.
"Why's he so happy?" She said,"it's like he hasn't even noticed Zosia isn't here."
I pulled Jac into her office and put on her breaks and kneeled infront of her.
"Jac, people are just trying to get on with there lives and work around the tragedy of the accident, although it's harder for some more then others..."I said gently.
Suddenly, Jack breaks down. Her cheeks go prominent red and fat tears pour down her cheeks.
I wrap my arms around her shaking shoulders, careful of her gunshot wound, and for once she hugs me back.
"Common Jac, stay strong. For Emma, for Zosia, for me...and if not for any of them, then for Jasmine. Your sister wouldn't wanna see you like this. If she was still alive now, what would she say."I whisper in her ear.
"Jasmine."she murmurs between sobs.
I removed my arms from around her and put a hand on my knee.
"The last thing I said to her was 'it's about time we stitched and bitched again'."Jac sniffed.
"You stitched and bitched a lot."I said, making Jac smile a little. I wiped her tears with my sleeve and squeezed her knee.
"Ready to see Ollie?"I ask.
Jac twiddled her hair.
"Yep, suppose I don't have a choice."she said, sarcasm coming back to her voice. She wiped her cheeks quickly before gesturing for me to take her to Ollie.
I wheeled her to Ollies bed. He groaned a little.
"Oh dear god I thought I'd escaped her company, at least for a while."He said.
"I'm wasting seconds of my life here you ungrateful little..."She said, stopping herself at the end as a few patients were staring at her.
I laughed, and Ollie smiled.
"I guess I can bare your company for a while."He said to Jac, smiling.
She nodded.
"You can go Fletch, you know, actually do your job. Stop letting my department go down the drain?"she moaned, rolling her eyes.
I nodded and headed over to Essie.
She nodded.
"Their talking."She smiled,"at least their both as argumentative as each other. It's a fairer fight for Jac. She'd rather argue then have a voice of reason."
I smiled and drummed my fingers on the desk. Essie looked at me questioningly.
"Do you know Jacs phone password?"I asked anxiously.
"Hmm, think so why?"Essie mumbled.
"I wanna arrange a surprise visit for Jac, with Zosia."I said,"and Jacs wont ring her."
"So you wanna get the number off Jacs phone?" Essie persists.
I nod and Essie gives me a knowing loom.
"0314."she winks.
"Emma's birthday."I smile,"thanks Essie your a legend."
Essie grabs a post it note and a pen.
We sprint over to Jacs room and closed the door.
"Right, Essie write this number down."I say, reciting the number.
"Okay got it, put her phone back, and make sure she can't see we were on it."Essie stresses.
I nod and clear all the tabs and put the phone back and me and Essie stealthily leave the room.
We get to front desk and I dial the number on my phone while Essie knaws her finger nails anxiously.
It rings once. Twice. Three times, then..
"Hello?"a familiar voice says.
"Zosia!"I say, making sure Jac doesn't here me. I turn but she's still talking to Ollie.
"Oh, hey Fletch!"she says.
"I need a favour."I begin.
"Hmmm, knew you wouldn't call me voluntarily. Who do I have to apologise to now for Jac screaming at them."she laughs.
"Actually, Jac really misses you... you haven't spoken since the accident."I pause.
I hear Zosia sigh.
"Right..."she breathes out.
"Jac wants to see you and I thought it would be a nice surprise?"i Babble.
"I thought she didn't want to see me. She hasn't text me... No, of course I'll come Fletch. She's my best friend. What time?"she asks.
He could hear the smile in her voice.
"Tomorrow at 2:30?"I ask. Jac always gets bored around this time of day so this was perfect.
"Sure, I'm free all day tomorrow anyways."Zosia laughs.
"Don't text Jac, it's gonna be a surprise."I grin.
"Okay, I'll text you later about it, I've got to go shopping ."she sighs.
"Okay, bye zosh."I say and hang up.
Essie looks at me anxiously.
"Well?"Essie prods me with her pen.
"She said yes."I grin and me and Essie jump up and down squealing.
"THATS THE CAMPEST THING IVE EVER SEEN, ADRIAN FLETCHER."Jac shouts across the ward sarcastically.
Little did Jac know, tomorrow she too would be jumping for joy.
It was time to reunite the terrible twosome, The most sarcastic pair of women I'd ever met...
Jac and Zosia.

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