You need me? Part 3

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Jacs pov:
I rolled over to face the windows in my private room. I reached my frail hand out the bed and reached for my phone. 6 am, no wonder it was still dark. I stared at the lock screen. My little Emma, smiling in My arms with Fletch in the background pulling a face. I put my phone face down on the table and rubbed my eyes. A silent tear leaked from my eyelids, but I rubbed it away instantly. I couldn't cry. The old Jac Naylor would have just got on with it. The old Jac Naylor was strong but this Jac Naylor was weak. Weak. Another tear rolled down my cheek and I couldn't fight this one back.
I heard my door open and I quickly wiped my eyes.
It was Fletch.
"Hey." He said softly,"Dom said he come in and you refused your morphine?"
I rolled my eyes and nodded, shrugging.
"I'm not in pain. Besides it makes me drowsy." I said, half lying. My side was in immense pain but I didn't want to tell him that.
"Jac, you don't have to be strong all the time..."he said cautiously.
"Yes I do. If not, what more if have I got if I can't scare people." I said, showing him a weaker side.
"Look, since your sister died, since the accident and since everything happened, it's natural to be upset Jac. You've lost a lot."He said hesitantly, knowing that mentioning my sister (Jasmines) death would hurt me.
I blinked back tears, remembering how I'd held her hand before she died and willed with all my power for her to get up and smile at me with her adorable little girly girl smile. She used to be a doctor here and Emma still reminded me of her a lot, even if Emma was only 5.
Tears poured down my cheeks. I felt a familiar hand rub my spine gently. I tried to shy from his touch but he persisted, wrapping his arm around me protectively.
"Why can't you let me in, Jac, tell me what your going through?"He begged softly.
I nodded, sitting up slightly.
"Why do you do this? Why do you put up with this?"I said as I coughed.
He rubbed my back again softly.
"Because it's my job, as director of patronising bores. And besides, no one else will do it, you've scared everyone else away."He said, trying to joke.
"But not you...not yet..." I said flatly, looking up at him.

Fletchs pov:
She looked up at me, her eyes watery.
"But not you...not yet..."she said flatly.
"You won't scare me away, Jac, however much you insult me." I said, rubbing her waist with my thumb a little longer, before releasing her and getting up. I grabbed the clipboard at the end of her bed to check her vitals.
She slapped it out of my hand, a smirk appearing on her cheeks. Ahh, that was the Jac Naylor I knew.
"Well that's not very mature is it?" I said sarcasticly.
She said nothing, her eyes sparkling with a menacing little glint.
"Your going into surgery today to get your paminary function defisate a corrective surgery." I said, hesitating.
Her face fell, an annoyed expression appearing on her face.
"Who?"She said plainly.
"A nurse ordered in by Hanson."I said smoothly.
"Over my dead body." She argued.
"What do you think we're worried about you numpty!?"I cried.
"Numpty, that's a new one."She grumbled sarcasticly,"who's the surgeon?"
"Frieda Petrenko..."I said hesitantly.
Jacs face crumpled in disapproval.
"Oh dear god no."she growled, shaking her head, her eyes wide.
As if on queue, Petrenko walks in.
"Miss Naylor, today I will be playing the part of your surgeon." She said in her thick accent.
"One condition."Jac caves.
"Yes ms Naylor?"Petrenko says.
"I'm awake for the surgery."She says bluntly.
Petrenko sighs and nods.
"Very well Ms Naylor. Fletch, will you be scrubbing in?"She said, batting her gothic eyes.
"Umm," I say looking down at Jac. She nods slightly, trying to make Petrenko not see.
"Yeah I will." I say.
Petrenko nods,"Take a 10 minute break, it's quiet."
I nod and Petrenko leaves the room.
Jac looks at me.
"You can leave now."she says.
"I'm on a break, Numpty."I say, trying to lighten the mood.
"Spend it somewhere else."she says.
"You know, you are the most stubborn, insufferable, pig headed woman I've ever met. There are mules that are more open to reason than you, there's peacocks with less pride then you. There's even cocker spaniels with more common sense then you. Your infuriating, your fecklass and completely and utterly off your rocker." I burst out.
"Well i love you too Fletcher ."She said, smiling a little.
"Do you need anything, before I go and spend my break alone."I ask, smiling back at her.
"I need the toilet." She said, trying to get up.
"Let me help you?"I plead.
She says nothing and wraps her arms round my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her into her wheelchair.
"Comfortable, Ms Naylor?" I say, curtsying. She stares up at me and nods.
I take hold of the worn handles of the chair and push. It jolted but didn't move.
"Breaks." Jac says, a smile creeping across her cheeks.
"Yeah, I knew that." I said and released the breaks. Her face was plastered with a smile.
I pushed her to the other side of the ward where the bathroom was.
"Let me go alone?" She says.
"Ummm, okay but be careful Jac."I say, regretting instantly to saying yes.
"Thanks Fletch."She says, beaming up at me.
Now how could I resist that smile?

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