Breathe, part 31

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Jacs pov:
I woke up in Fletchs arms, as i did most mornings. I smiled. I always woke up half an hour before him.
I opened my eyes to see Fletch looking at me.
I jumped.
"You scared me." I said, wacking his chest playfully.
"Sorry, beautiful."he grins, kissing my forehead.
I blush and sit up. I gaze over at the time. 6:30am. I got up out of bed and grabbed a towel.
"Maybe we should shower together and save time." He smirks.
I nod, giving a little laugh and pull him out a towel.
Fletch gets up and follows me to the bathroom.
I take my clothes off and jump in the shower. Fletch jumps in behind me.
As I wash my hair, i hum a song I have stuck in my head.
"Mamma Mia, here I go again..."Fletch laughs.
I blush.
"Sorry, i always sing in the shower."i say.
"No it's okay." He smiles, washing his hair.
I finish and just let the water fall over me.
"You done?"Fletch asks.
I nod and jump out, pulling a towel around me.
He wraps a towel around his own waist and leaves the bathroom. I follow him and sit at my dressing table that Fletch bought for me from Ikea.
He hadn't assembled it quite right but I'd never tell him that.
Fletch got changed as I put on some minimal makeup and brushed out my firey hair.
I heard the door open.
"Dad, I feel sick."Mikey said, his face an awful shade of whitey-green.
Fletch takes Mikey to the bathroom and I hear Mikey throw up.
Fletch comes back in, Mikey still in the bathroom.
"I have to stay home and look after Mikey. Emma and Ella don't look too well either." He says, rubbing my back,"I'm gonna get Mum to take Evie and Theo."
I nod and pull on my trousers and shirt.
"I'll walk to work." I smile.
"Stay home?" He asks.
"I can't." I say, hugging him.
"You can because I may have just rung in sick for both of us..." he smirked.
"You cheeky bugger." I grin.
He grins and guides me to Emma and Ella's room.
"Can you look after them for a minute?" He's asks.
"Of course."i day and open the girls door.
I walk in. Ella is looking and acting completely fine so I send her to place with Evie and Theo.
Emma however, looks sick.
I pick up my small daughter and rock her gently.
"It's okay baby." I say.
"Mummy, sing me the lullaby."She says weakly.
"Okay." I say, and start to sing to her until she falls asleep. I lay her down and tuck her in and see Fletch at the door.
"Your soft really." He smirks.
"Shut up..."I laugh.
I push his chest out the door and smile.
"Breakfast m'lady?" He asks.
"That would be lovely." I smile.
I can't stop smiling. He's perfect.

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