Chapter 1

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[ We're not friends ]

Jennie Kim had it all. She was head cheerleader, dating the quarterback of the football team, practically OWNED the whole damn school and to top it all off, she was sexy as hell and smart as a whip.

Everyone feared yet envied her in a way no one could describe.

She had the whole world wrapped around her little pinky.

...Well, almost the whole world.

"What the fuck are you doing in my seat, Manoban?" She sneered at the blonde currently occupying her chair. She was leaning back with her combat boots propped up on the table in front of her.

Lalisa fucking Manoban.

Jennie hated her. Lisa was too carefree, too stubborn, too dumb and too fucking annoying to waste any of her time and energy. Of course those weren't the only reasons why she disliked her so much. The primary reason was that she was so god damn defiant. Everyone, EVERYONE else bent to her will except Lisa and it pissed Jennie off to no end.

The blonde sighed lazily and chewed her gum for a moment more-- that's another thing Jennie didn't like about her. The girl chewed gum nonstop, all fucking day! She probably brushed her teeth with that shit still in her mouth!

Before Jennie got the chance to yank the sticky substance out of the girl's mouth herself, Lisa sat up and removed her sunglasses.


"What?" Lisa asked.

"Your ass. Out of my chair. Fucking NOW."

Lisa looked the raging girl up and down before smiling devilishly. "Oh, this is your seat? I'm sorry, I had NO foggiest idea," she said, flashing her perfect white teeth but not making any attempt to move. Of course she knows it was Jennie's seat.

"Move," Jennie said assertively, not wanting to show how angry she actually was. Lisa rolled her eyes playfully before standing up. To add to Jennie's hate list; of how much taller Lisa was than her. Lisa had a good three inches on her meaning that the blonde looked down at Jennie. No one looks down on Jennie.

Suddenly, Lisa brought her hand up to stroke the back of Jennie's cheek gently. "As you wish, your majesty," she breathed out in a low voice, the gag inducing smell of cigars and spearmint washing over Jennie. Her eyes grew colder and sharp as she slapped Lisa's hand away.

"Don't you fucking touch me, SLUT," Jennie growled before shoving past Lisa and plopping down into her seat.

The blonde just shook her head and made her way to the back of the room. To her regular spot in European Geography, next to none other than Rosè Park.

"Hey nerd," Lisa greeted.

"Lizzie," Rosé nodded back, not looking up from her AP Government homework.


"Your fault."

The two girls met each other's gazes before laughing. Despite Lisa being one of the resident badasses, she got on well with the cool nerd Rosé Park. Probably because she hasn't slept with her. Yet.

While Rosé was yes, currently second in their class, she was less loser nerd with a pocket protector and more hot librarian without the glasses and better dressed. Their friendship began last year when Rosé started tutoring Lisa. Every lesson the other girl would make a pass at her. It was the first time someone had blatantly ignored her.

Usually people either fell at her feet or gave her cheek a firm open handed slap on the face. Can you guess which gender did which more often? Rosé just kept right on going with the lesson, saying something really intelligent to confuse the other girl. Lisa finally stopped trying and they began to have genuinely friendly conversations. Rosé was only one of two people that Lisa considered REAL friends.

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