Chapter 29

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[ Answer: No one knew ]

When Rosé came downstairs to make breakfast in the morning she was surprised to see that the island was covered in food and the places in front of the barstools were already set. Her best friends were smiling and holding hands while they talked to each other and they looked so cute and domestic, the red headed girl couldn't help but grin.

But then she woke up a little bit more and the grin turned into a half-hearted scowl when she remembered she had something to tell them, well something to scold them about.

"What did I tell you guys about having sex while I was in the house?" She said loudly as she walked in, scaring them both. She wasn't really that mad, she just wanted to make them squirm, seeing as how they always made her uncomfortable deliberately.


"We didn'tㅡ" they stuttered together.

"Save it. First of all, you guys are really fucking loud and the walls are not that thick. Second, you both have your 'I just got laid' last night smiles on, which by the way, got even dopier when you guys started being monogamous, and finally you cooked breakfast. You're trying to butter me up because you knew I'd be mad."

The girls sputtered out excuses and apologies, their voices overlapping each other while the hot nerd tried her best to hold back her grin and revel in their guilty backtracking and excuse making but she eventually caved and let out a very un-Rosé-like giggle.

"Cool it guys, I'm not actually that mad," she confessed, actually she wasn't mad at all. Just a little grossed out of her friendsㅡ who hated each other not too long agoㅡ were doing each other under her roof, in the room next to hers. She picked up a piece of crispy bacon and bit into it, "You're just lucky you know bacon is my weakness, next time though make sure I don't hear anything," she pointedly turned to Lisa. "I don't need to know how wet Jennie makes you," she said blatantly before averting her eyes to the head cheerleader, "And I DEFINITELY don't need to know how amazing Lisa's pussy tastes so save the dirty talk for that filthy couch under the bleachers." With that she grabbed the plate of bacon, turned on her heel, and made her way back to her room without another word.

The couple stared at her in speechless disbelief.

"Ho. ly. Shit," Jennie said.

"Did that really just happen?"

"Uh-huh..." They were quiet for a few seconds more, trying to process Rosé's brutal honesty.

"Was she always this... crass?" The brunette asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm not entirely sure what that means, but no I don't think so. I feel sort of... proud," Lisa finally averted her gaze to Jennie, "Maybe we've finally started rubbing off on her?"

The brunette smirked. Yeah Rosé's little outburst caught them off guard but they've always been able to recover fast.

"Are you ready for today?" The Thai girl asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah," Jennie said without hesitation. "I mean... I think I've been prepared for this for awhile now. I pretty much already came out at school so the hard part is over... but I'm sure people will be all over the 'Reunited Girl Power Couple' or whatever Baekhyun is gonna call it." The badass chuckled at her words and confidence as the Korean girl continued.

"The only thing I'm worried about is Jungkook flipping out on you again."

"C'mon Nini, you know I can handle myself."

"I know, I know, but I still don't like to see you hurt."

"I'll be fine babe. Jeony boy wouldn't dare touch me again."

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