Chapter 3

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[ You ready? ]

"Okay maybe we should... talk about our 'Situation'. So we don't mess anything up?" They were still in the parking lot, discussing the logistics of their faux tryst.

"Talk about what? We go to school, we make out a little bit for people to see, we go home and have raunchy sex." Lisa said shrugging. Jennie's eyes bulged before they narrowed.

"This is what I mean! We aren't actual girlfriends Lisa! We're just pretending to be which means NO sex." Lisa smirked before putting her arms around Jennie's neck and pressing her up to a car.

Leaning in so their lips were almost brushing and as sultry as she could, the blonde whispered, "You don't need to be in a relationship to have sex, Jennie..."

Against her own will, Jennie's eyes fluttered closed as she felt Lisa's hot breath caress her lips. The head cheerleader involuntarily shuddered which snapped her out of her haze and she pushed the badass away.

"NO Lisa. I don't swing that way."

"Your loss," Lisa shrugged.

"Besides, if we play our cards right we don't even have to kiss."

"What? I land the most hottest girl in school-- other than me duh-- and we don't even get to suck faces? Lame!"

"You didn't land me, Lisa. I chose you."

"Ugh, whatever Jennie." Lisa scoffed before grabbing her helmet off her bike.

"Woah woah! You're NOT driving me home with that!" Jennie exclaimed.

"Who said I was driving you home?"

"Well, how am I supposed to get home? Jungkook fucking drove me here!"

"Well too bad, it's either the bike or you're walking sweetheart." The blonde said, extending the helmet to her.

The shorter girl eyed her before snatching the helmet from the badass' hand. Jennie examined it and wondered if the girl had lice. She looked at her blonde hair to see if she could tell only to be lost in the way it flowed over her shoulders and that ridiculously tight top...

Jennie shook the thoughts from her head, put the helmet on cautiously before walking up to the bike.

"Well? Are you going to get on or not?" Lisa challenged.

Rather clumsily, Jennie straddled the motorcycle and put her hands on Lisa's hips lightly. The driver rolled her eyes before reaching down and roughly tugging on the brunette's hands, repositioning them so they were wrapped tightly around her waist.

"You live by Chaeng, right?" A muffled 'Yeah...' came from behind her.

Lisa revved the engine and smile to herself when Jennie screamed in surprise.

"Hold on tight..." The blonde warned, fully anticipating Jennie's unwillingness, then she kicked off and accelerated.

Jennie swore she got whiplash as she gripped the blonde and buried her head behind her, praying to any god to let her come out of this experience alive.

Lisa would be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying this, except she didn't know why exactly. Sure, she loved the way the girl she hated most needed her so much and was so scared of a silly little ride home but maybe it wasn't just that... maybe it was the way she had the hottest girl in Seoul mounted on her bike, her arms wrapped around her waist and molded into her.

Jennie on the other hand was scared shitless, she couldn't think about anything other than not dying. She kept her head down in fear she might she might fall off and to avoid the whipping blonde locks. Next time if Lisa would offer her a ride-- she rather walk, even if it was twenty miles away. She would also rather crawl than ride the fucking motorcycle again.

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