Chapter 30

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Lisa gritted her teeth and nearly growled, "What are you doing here dad?"

"Who is this girl, Lalice?" The man said purely curious as he looked at Jennie. The Korean girl herself was speechless, something that didn't happen often. Her mind was reeling because this man in front of her, this tall, gruff-looking man was Lisa's infamous father. She could see the resemblance- but just barely. He didn't look so good. And in her mind, she couldn't help but think she wanted to make him look a LOT worse for what he did to Lisa.

This was the man who hit her.

"That's not any of your business. God! This is just like every other fucking time you stumble into this house, demanding to know about me or Nico like you suddenly care! I am SICK ofㅡ"

"Lalice please, I'm sober, I swearㅡ just hear me out."

"No, I want you out of this house. Now."

"Please, if you listen to me for the next 10 minutes I promise I will never bother you, Nico, or your mom again," the Thai girl paused. Considering it. Of all the times she's seen him since everything started to go downhill. She's never seen him so earnest, but she wasn't going to believe him that easily.

Mr. Manoban was desperate to get his daughter to listen to him, he quickly turned to address Jennie, "Please, you two seem closeㅡ I can tell. Please, convince her." The head cheerleader's s eyes went wide, not expecting he would talk to her directly. Before she could say anything, Lisa stepped in front of her, as if to shield her.

"Don't talk to her," she practically snarled. Badass Lisa was surfacing and sweet Lisa was momentarily fading to the background. Cautiously, the brunette touched her girlfriend's hand. The other girl flinched but turned to herㅡ her eyes a flurry of emotion, anger, fear, weariness, sadness... but under everything there was that small shimmer of hope. Hope that maybe he was telling the truth and that if she gave him these five minutes, he'd leave them alone for good. Jennie zoomed in on that.

"Maybe..." She whispered, glancing at Mr. Manoban who was obviously looking away like he was trying to give them a private moment, "Maybe you should give him a chance? Maybe... he'll finally leave you alone."

"Maybe..." Lisa echoed, "Or maybe he's just saying the same bullshit he always has," she spat.

"Look... I'm not too keen on him being here... Actually, I hate it and I don't trust him as much as you do. But maybe he actually has something worth saying. And I'll be right here next to you, if you want me. Or I can go to another room, anything you want." The blonde studied her girlfriend's face, looked deep into those eyes she loved so much, and sighed deeply before turning to her father.

She hoped she wouldn't regret this.

"Fine, you have five minutes." For the first time that day the man gave the tiniest and saddest of smile. "Jennie, can you please wait in the other room?" She asked politely, and the brunette nodded.

"Of course, Li," before chancing one last glance at the stranger before disappearing. She sat in the next room over.
Her finger hovered over the green button on her phone that would call the cops at any slight disturbance.

"So... what's she to you?" Lisa's dad said in a tone that could almost be classified as teasing. He was very aware of his daughters bisexual tendencies. Lisa had always been proud, even at a young age.

"Again, none of your goddamn business. You just wasted ten seconds." His barely there smirk once again dropped into a miserable frown.

"I just... I'm so sorry Lalice. I-I promise I never meant to hurt you, I justㅡ"

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