Chapter 28

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Rules broken

[ M ]

"You coming over to mine?" Rosé asked as Lisa who walked over to her locker. The hot nerd immediately saw something different about her. She had this sort of half grimace but it also looked like she was holding back a smile.

"What's with the face?"

"Here..." Lisa said, handing over the note she found from Jennie. She took it and read it over quickly, her expression changing as she read.

"What the heck? Her parents are so dumb! God I swear if I could just tell them what I think of them..." Rosé said angrily, then she looked up at Lisa in surprise, "Wait... 'I love you?' You guys said... AAHH YOU!" She squealed, she grabbed the blonde girl's shoulders and started jumping up and down rapidly, "You guys said 'I love you' to each other?!" Lisa blushed and bit her lip.

"Mmmhmm," she hummed nodding her head and trying not to look as over the moon about it as she really was.

"No way! When? Where? Who said it first? I need details!"

"Geez Chaeng... calm down! We said it last night at Jennie's house and Nini said it first."

"Aww how romㅡ"

"In spanish," Rosé opened her mouth and started fanning herself mockingly. "Like as if she thought I could not understand it."

"Damn, so other than her parents finding out, you had a good night?"

"So good... I just... ugh I love her so much Chaeng, it scares me. But, like, in the best way possible." The red headed girl smiled widely and tackled her friend in a hug.

"I can't believe my emotionally unavailable best friends found love!" She squealed before pulling away and hitting her arm, "And before me too! What the fuck!"

"Ow! That was hard," Lisa pouted.

"Oh shut up you've taken much worse!"

"You bet I have," the doe eyed girl winked suggestively, "...But it still hurt..." she whined while rubbing her arm, " are you saying that you and Jisoo aren'tㅡ?"

"Huh? W-What?" The Aussi stuttered," I mean... we just started dating so it's sorta early. I mean maybeㅡ I guess I could see myselfㅡ"

"Chill out Chaeng, I don't want you to have an aneurism. I was just asking." Rosé took a couple deep breaths and the blush on her face slowly dissipated.

"I am really happy for you though."

"Thanks, I am too," she grinned.

"Well you've got the girl, now you've just got to deal with the future in-laws," she chuckled. Lisa's eyes bulged.

"I-In laws? Don't you think it's a bit early to think about that... stuff?"

"What? You mean you don't think about marrying Jennie? Walking down the aisle, saying your vows, declaring your eternal love to each other?"

"I- I mean... she, er, it's not..." she sputtered.

"I don't want to give you an aneurism," the hot nerd mocked back at the same time Lisa blurted.

"Of course I do!"

They stared at each other in shockㅡ Rosé is shocked that Lisa actually thought about marrying Jennie and Lisa for saying it out loud at all.

"You whㅡ"

"Jennie!" Lisa exclaimed.

All of a sudden it was like Rosé didn't exist, doe eyes locked onto the Korean girl's figure, barely believing the girl was there, standing in the hallway.

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