Chapter 6

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[ Another side ]

A/n: So here's the update~! Didn't proofread this so if there's any mistakes, please point it out so I could edit it (:


"Yeah sure, no... my mom is out of town... no, I understand. You're welcome anytime... o-okay, see you soon." Rosé said into her phone after it rang, interrupting the girls' movie.

"Who was that?" Jennie asked.

"It was Lisa, she's coming over."

"What? Why?" Jennie's tone was harsher than she meant it to be. She didn't want to interact with the blonde anymore than she had, not just because she disliked her but also because... she was beginning to like her.

Okay 'Like' wasn't the correct word-- more like... tolerate.

"I'm not sure, she just said it was a family emergency," Rosé explained vaguely.

"Well," the head cheerleader sighed. "There goes our eventful night of movies and junk foods."

"What, Lis can't watch movies with us?"

"I don't think it would be a good idea if I stayed if she's going to be here."

"C'mon Jen, I thought you guys were getting along now! You two are dating after all?" The hot nerd smirked.

"Yeah well, our relationship is strictly business!"

"Please just stay. Pleeeeease? I'm sure she won't mind," the red headed girl pouted and used her big eyes to her advantage.

Truthfully, Rosé just wanted to to see how they'll interact with each other without having to pretend they were dating-- to deduce if either of them could be developing something more than hostility. Hopefully, a friendship at the very least.

Jennie caved in when her lower lip started to tremble slightly.

"Urgh fine... but you owe me one though," the brunette agreed reluctantly.

"Yaaaaayy! Thanks Jennie!" She squeaked, hugging her tightly and then the doorbell rang. "Yikes, just on time!"

Jennie followed her friend to the door, staying back while she answered it.

The last thing she expected was a small boy with a mess of brunette hair to come jumping into Rosè' arms.

"Loshyyy!" Nico exclaimed as he clung tightly to her.

"Little Nics!" She said with equal enthusiasm, hugging him back. Then the door open more to reveal Lisa.

"Jennie?" The blonde said in surprised. Jennie looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Among the shock in the badass' eyes was anger and frustration, but her whole face screamed sadness.

"Uhm... hey?" She said forcing out a small smile. It was evident that Lisa wouldn't be in a teasing mode.

"Lisa, are you okay?" Rosé asked, still holding Nico in her arms.

"Can I talk to you... alone?" Lisa asked. Jennie was offended slightly until she saw that the blonde's eyes darted to what she assumed to be her brother's and not hers.

"Yeah sure, Lis. Uhm... Jennie?" At the mention of her name, the head cheerleader stopped staring at the tall dancer and looked at Rosé.


"Uhh... can you watch Nico for a sec?"

"Err... uh. Yeah o--okay," Jennie stuttered. Rosé lifted Nico and set him on the ground, and Lisa knelt down.

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