Chapter 17

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[ Car wash ]

Sexually frustrated.

That's exactly how Jennie felt right now. In fact, she was so horny she wouldn't put it past herself to hump a chair.

It was the least one could expect from any human being, I mean c'mon think about it: You haven't had a good orgasm in weeks unless it came from your own hand and a sexy as fuck girl came while you rubbed her up against her bike.

Yeah, she needed to be fucked.

Too bad she 'wasn't ready'. Sometimes she really hated herself. Why did she have to be so goddamn nervous?

"Jennie? What's with that look on your face, are you okay?" The blonde asked, concerned. After making out for a long time on the couch, the doe eyed girl had pulled away when it got heated again. She didn't want to push the Korean girl into anything. "You're not... having second thoughts are you?"

"No no of course not!" She assured.

"Well good, because I really like you," Lisa grinned.

Putting her desires aside, Jennie smiled back. "I like you too, Lisa. A lot."

"Well good! 'cuz I really wanted to ask you something..." She trailed off nervously.


"Will you go on a date with me?"

Well. That was the last thing she expected.

"A-a date?" The brunette repeated incredulously. She didn't really know why she was surprised; they were dating now after all.

"Well yeah! In secret of course. It's just that... we don't know like, ANYTHING about each other."

"What? We know tons of stuff about each other!"

"Mhmm like what?" Lisa challenged.

"Like you have a brother named Nico, your parents are divorced, Chaeng's your best friend and your dad used to hit you."


"And..." The head cheerleader wracked her brain for the answer, "And you like to pout over dramatically to get your way and you don't even know when you're pouting is when you make people feel the most guilty. When you're confused your eyebrows scrunch in the most adorable way and... Oh! And you always stand on my right side when you hold my hand or put your arm around me."

"I do that?" The badass wondered out loud.

"See! There's the confused look!" She pushed her as they both laughed.

"Shut up, Kim! But seriously. So you know all that stuff but what about normal date stuff? Like what's my favorite color?"




"So... are you going to tell me?" Jennie asked curiously. How could it not be black?!

"Well if you want to know so badly, come on a date with me." The Thai girl grinned before giving Jennie a chaste kiss just because she could.

"It's not like I was going to say no," she replied slyly.

"Yay yay yay!" Lisa launched herself on the smaller girl and started kissing her all over her face.

"Li!" Jennie giggled, "Get oooooff I can't breathe!" Lisa kissed her one more time before cuddling up to her side.

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