Chapter 5

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[ Odd couples ]

"Well damn," Jungkook said looking up at the newly posted list for their Dramatic Arts class.

• Lisa and Taeyong - The Notebook

• Rosé and Lucas - Romeo and Juliet

• Jennie and Jin - Macbeth

• Wendy and Sehun - Dirty Dancing

• Yeri and Jungkook - Twilight

Etc. Etc. No one cares about anyone else.

"Freaking Yeri Kim? Really?" Jungkook said out loud.

"Trust me, Jeon. I'm not any happier about this," Yeri said next to him, a frown on her face.

"Why wouldn't you be happy? You get to do a love scene with the most popular guy in school!"

"Popularity isn't everything, Jungkook. Besides, I take the performing arts very seriously and I know for a fact you won't pay it the same courtesy."

"Oh please, this whole class is a load of crap! I just wanted an easy A, and seriously? Fucking Twilight?" He told her.

"Believe me, I am not a Twilight fan either. I mean honestly! It doesn't even have any good romantic scenes!"

"Never seen it."

"Well... uhm, neither have I... but I promised myself I would perform anything thrown at me with 110 percent of my effort! My talent is too good to waste!"

"Fuck no, acting is totally lame!" Yeri gasped, how dare he?

"Well, I assure you I will be talking to Ms. Choi about a change in partnership. I refuse to work with someone with such little appreciation for the Arts!" Yeri snapped back.

The argument continues as people were also protesting about the list all over the place.

"There is NO way in hell I'm letting you do that scene with her!" Wendy yelled from across the group.

"Honey, it's just a project! I'm sure Jennie doesn't like me to perform it with her either."

"Ugh, he's right-- like... who the fuck is Jin?" Jennie asked the crowd.

"Uhmm... that would be me," the tall boy said, raising his hand.

"Oh! I thought your name was Porcelain," Jin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah Wendy, it's not like I wanted to be partnered with your BOYFRIEND." Lisa said.

"This is bullshit! I'm talking to Ms. Choi."

"Uhmm... I'm perfectly fine with my partner, but could someone explain to me what Romeo and Juliet is? Is it like a band or something?" Lucas asked, raising his hand.

Rosé slapped her forehead in disappointment.

"Wendy, I hope you know I can't dance." Sehun told the livid girl.

"Well, can you lift me?"

"Yeah no problem, I can lift Luhan up when he tackles me." Wendy was about to say something before someone interrupted;

"Hey guys! What do you think of your assignment?" Ms. Choi asked, sauntering up with a smug smile.

Immediately, everyone voiced out their protests. Shouting to be heard.

"Aye compadres! SILENCIO!" Everyone shut up at her command. It was pretty much the only Spanish most of them knew other than 'Hola.'

"Alright now, before you start protesting know this-- I will not, under ANY circumstances will change your partners or your scenes. You gots whats youz gots, comprende?"

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